Pelvicachromis Silviae

Pelvicachromis Silviae 3cm

Apistogramma Peru Purple - Wild Caught

Apistogramma Peru Purple - Wild Caught 4cm

Severum Blue

Severum Blue 3.5cm

Pelvicachromis Silviae 3cm

Pelvicachromis taeniatus
The Kribensis cichlid is a true classic of the aquarium hobby and is often one of the first cichlids that aquarists get. The most common species in the trade is the Pelvicachromis pulcher however the Pelvicachromis Silviae makes for a fantastic alternative. This species not only is visually different but also shows Kribensis behaviour in its wildest form. They are also much rarer in Australia and will be a great species to consider for breeders and collectors.
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Pelvicachromis Silviae

The Kribensis cichlid is a true classic of the aquarium hobby and is often one of the first cichlids that aquarists get. The most common species in the trade is the Pelvicachromis pulcher however the Pelvicachromis Silviae makes for a fantastic alternative. This species not only is visually different but also shows Kribensis behaviour in its wildest form. They are also much rarer in Australia and will be a great species to consider for breeders and collectors.

These Kribensis cichlids are truly stunning fish with an earthy olive green body colour overlaid with a series of jet-black horizontal stripes. Where most kribensis tend to be yellow and red, these fish actually have a yellow front half and a deep blue back half which is incredibly contrasting. Dominant males will still sport some red when they get into breeding colours which is beautiful to see. These are truly picturesque wild fish once settled into a planted aquarium.

Kribensis cichlids remain fairly small and only reach around 8-10 cm max which makes them a great fish for smaller aquariums. Breeding them in captivity is also extremely easy as they are the sort of fish that will inevitably breed as long as there is a male and female in a well-maintained aquarium. Males tend to be larger than females with much brighter colours. They also have a pointed dorsal and ventral fin whereas females are more rounded. The Kribensis cichlid originally comes from the riverine areas of Africa with a relatively wide range spanning from Nigeria to Cameroon.

Tank Recommendations for your Pelvicachromis Silviae
The kribensis cichlid is a small cichlid as males max out at around 10 cm whereas females reach 8 cm. Though kribensis are small fish, they are fairly territorial which means they do require space. The best minimum aquarium volume would be around 70 litres which could house a pair or trio of kribensis.

Kribensis are nutritious diggers but they can be kept with aquarium plants as long as these plants are secured well in the substrate. Since they are soft water fish preferring a PH ranging from 6-7 it is best to use hardscape materials such as driftwood which will maintain this. The substrate is not a major concern as these fish will thrive in both sand or small grain gravel.

Suitable Tank Buddies
Kribensis cichlids can be kept in a community setting with other tank mates that can hold their own against the occasional display of aggression from the Kribensis. It would be best to ensure that the tank mates are not bottom dwelling as this is where the kribensis spend most of their time.

Usually Compatible
Larger-bodied tetras such as Congo and black widows. Inconspicuous species such as bristlenose plecos also seem to slip by the territorial radar of kribensis cichlids.

Sometimes Compatible
Larger but peaceful South American cichlids such as Severums. The only concern here as these species may outcompete the smaller-bodied kribensis.

Rarely Compatible
Larger and aggressive species such as oscars and any fish that the kribensis itself may predate on like neon tetras.

Feeding your Pevicachromis Silviae
Although wild-caught, these fish should take to a wide range of aquarium foods. If they do pose an issue with feeding, it will be best to give them some frozen or live foods like brine shrimp but this should be really required. Kribensis actually have small mouths so it is best to feed them a small sinking pellet or flake food along with supplementation of frozen food.

More Information
Scientific Name Pelvicachromis taeniatus
Care Level Easy
Common Names Silviae Kribensis, Silviae Kribensis, Pelvicachromis Silviae
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 10
Min. Tank Volume (l) 70
Origin Africa
Sociability Semi-aggressive
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C, pH 6.0-7.0
Plant Safe Yes
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