Severum Blue

Severum Blue 3.5cm

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Male Elephant Ear Redtail Cobra Guppy 3.5cm

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Severum Blue 3.5cm

Heros sp.
Blue severums make for a fantastic, bright alternative to oscars, fire mouths, and some of the more conventional larger South American cichlid species. These fish reach around 30 cm and have a beautiful, vibrant assortment of colours, a docile temperament,t and a fun personality which makes them a must-have for mixed South American cichlid tanks.
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Severum Blue

Blue severums make for a fantastic, bright alternative to oscars, fire mouths, and some of the more conventional larger South American cichlid species. These fish reach around 30 cm and have a beautiful, vibrant assortment of colours, a docile temperament,t and a fun personality which makes them a must-have for mixed South American cichlid tanks.

Blue severums have a classic large cichlid oval body shape and are laterally compressed. This species features a radiant metallic blue body that shimmers under aquarium lighting, accentuated by faint vertical banding that becomes more pronounced with mood and age. They have large, expressive eyes and delicate, flowing fins, often edged with a slight iridescent sheen. The whole body as well is overlaid with chocolate brown spots along with faint flashes of purples and greens. Adults can reach up to 20 cm in length, making them an impressive presence in the aquarium. These fish are a true gentle giant and get along with a wide range of community fish which is what makes them such a great showpiece fish.

Breeding blue severum cichlids in the home aquarium is relatively easy. It's usually best to get a group of 6 or more fish to see if they naturally pair off, males tend to develop a light nuchal hump and have longer, pointed fins than females. They will find a smooth surface to lay eggs and then proceed to guard them until they are free swimming. If you have experience breeding species like convict cichlids or angelfish then blue severums will be a breeze.

Tank Recommendations for your Severum Blue Blue severums will reach around 20 cm when fully grown. Because of this, it is best to keep them in a tank with a minimum volume of 450 litres as they do prefer to be with members of their own species. They will however eat plants so the ideal tank setup would be to have a sandy substrate, river stones, caves, and driftwood for cover. Once settled in these fish will be a very personable species and spend a lot of time out in the open.

Suitable Tank Buddies
The blue severums are relatively peaceful with mild territorial aggression. They can be kept with fish smaller in size than them however the general rule to follow is avoiding any super small or slow-moving fish.

Usually Compatible
Festivum, chocolate cichlids, silver sharks, Brochis corydora, leporinus, blue Acara, silver dollars, and other larger peaceful species.

Sometimes Compatible
Black widow tetras, Congo tetras, Kribensis, and smaller species fast species.

Rarely Compatible
Overly aggressive fish species like jaguar cichlids and incredibly small, slow-moving fish may also have the risk of being a meal.

Feeding your Severum Blue
Blue severums are incredibly easy to feed. They take to a wide range of foods and should have a varied diet for optimal health. Giving them an assortment of flakes, pellets, frozen and live foods will not only make them thrive but also show off amazing colours.

More Information
Scientific Name Heros sp.
Care Level Moderate
Common Names Blue Severum, Blue Spotted Severum, Turquoise Severum
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 10
Max. Length (cm) 20
Min. Tank Volume (l) 450
Origin South America
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-28° C, pH 6.0-7.0
Plant Safe Yes
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