Scalare Angelfish Colombia - Wild Caught 4cm
The Colombia Angelfish is a true collector’ fish amongst angelfish connoisseurs and rare fish collectors. Whilst these aren’t the coveted album angelfish, wild Colombia angelfish are arguably rarer, finding them in Australia is quite hard due to limited importing which is why they would be a perfect consideration for home breeders. A group of these will be a perfect fish for a blackwater display aquarium or a breeding project.
Scalare Angelfish Colombia
The Colombia Angelfish is a true collector’ fish amongst angelfish connoisseurs and rare fish collectors. Whilst these aren’t the coveted album angelfish, wild Colombia angelfish are arguably rarer, finding them in Australia is quite hard due to limited importing which is why they would be a perfect consideration for home breeders. A group of these will be a perfect fish for a blackwater display aquarium or a breeding project.
Aside from their benefits of being fairly easy to care for, these rare fish have incredible colours. They have a metallic silver base colour with gradients of greys, dark greens, and faint browns. Like the common angelfish, the Colombia angelfish also have bold black stripes and are most commonly known for the bright copper nape they develop from their nose to dorsal fin. Much like all angelfish this species also has the classic, elegant angelfish with trailing fins, as these fish mature their colours truly come out and deepen even further.
These angelfish although wild will settle into an aquarium quite easily as long as the right conditions are met. Once they settle in they will be a breeze to care for, breeding these fish in captivity is also very doable. Starting with a group of 6 will allow for pairs to form naturally, both parents spend time cleaning the spawning site and then guard the eggs and free swimming fry.
Tank Recommendations for your Scalare Angelfish Colombia
The Colombia angelfish is a naturally occurring variation of the scalare angelfish species, meaning it has the same aquarium needs as any other angelfish variety. They will reach around 15 cm long and a decent 20 cm tall at maximum adult size and because of this, they would need to be kept in a tank that is at least 100 litres for these 2 fish.
Scalare Angelfish are not a solitary species and will ideally need to be kept in pairs or more, they will however need space as they can be territorial at times, so having a good footprint in the aquarium is always best. A sand or gravel substrate is perfectly fine but a well-planted aquarium with lots of branching driftwood and rock will be greatly appreciated by the Colombian angelfish. These are also the perfect angelfish to highlight in a black water aquarium setting. This species is mostly active when lights are turned on during the day
Suitable Tank Buddies
The colombia angelfish is fairly peaceful with aggression only ever coming out during breeding males however they may eat very small fish fry and shrimp. With adequate space these fish will get along with a wide range of community fish however given the rarity and value of these, keeping them in a species-fly setting would be great as well.
Usually Compatible
Tetras, gouramis, corydoras, angelfish, dwarf cichlids such as rams, and large peaceful cichlids such as uaru or Severums.
Sometime Compatible
Semi-aggressive or territorial cichlids like fire mouths, convicts cichlids, and similar species.
Rarely Compatible
large aggressive species such as African cichlids, Oscars, and Jaguar cichlids along with small prey species like shrimp.
Feeding your Scalare Angelfish Colombia
The Colombia angelfish should be a very easy species to feed and will take to a wide range of aquarium foods like pellets or flakes because these two are captive-bred individuals. They are naturally a carnivore that feeds off small insects and crustaceans so a well-balanced aquarium food that has good protein and some green content would be best.
Scientific Name | Pterophyllum scalare |