Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse - Medium

Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse - Medium

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Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse - Medium

Cirrhilabrus naokoae

Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse is a colourful, active fish that will brighten up any aquarium. It is peaceful, hardy, and relatively easy to take care of.

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Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse have distinctive colouring on their body. Their top half is red and their bottom half white, with a yellow line running through the middle. Males are usually brighter than females, although colouration can vary depending on mood. Females tend to have a red body with thin white/blue lines.

It hasn't been possible to breed Naoko's Fairy Wrasse in captivity. They are protogynous hermaphrodites, who can change from female to male. Males tend to be bigger and colourful than female counterparts.

This species originates from north west Sumatra in Indonesia. They usually inhabit reefs and lagoons near rubble, between depths of 10-20 meters.

Tank Recommendations for your Naoko's Fairy Wrasse

The smallest tank size for these fish should be at least 50 gallons (189 liters)

Naoko's Fairy Wrasse are suitable for reef and fish only aquariums. They need high quality water that is well aerated and a good current. A suitable tank needs plenty of live rock with lots of hiding places and sand substrate.

This species is capable of jumping out of the tank, so a secure cover is a must.

Suitable Tank Buddies

Naoko's Fairy Wrasse have a peaceful temperament but will show aggression to conspecifics. They can also be territorial with similar species. It's best to keep one male in a tank, but it is possible to house a group of females and a male. They must either be introduced simultaneously, or females before the male.

Usually Compatible

Naoko's Fairy Wrasse can co-habit with variety of tank buddies. Suitable options include Gobies, Tilefish, Butterflyfish, Fairy Basslets, and smaller Cardinalfish.

Sometime Compatible

Conspecifics can co-habit if the females are introduced first or the group enters the tank at the same time. Larger semi-aggressive and aggressive fish should be introduced after Naoko's Fairy Wrasse. Any smaller aggressive fish should be introduced first.

Rarely Compatible

Avoid housing with Frogfish, Lionfish, Groupers, or other predators that can eat it. Larger Tangs and Angels can threaten Naoko's Fairy Wrasse, so they hide and don't feed. Seahorses, Pipefish will get out competed for food.

Feeding your Naoko's Fairy Wrasse

Naoko's Fairy Wrasse are carnivorous. They will eat a variety of meaty foods, both fresh and frozen. A suitable diet should include vitamin enriched brine shrimp & mysis shrimp, krill and plankton. It is also possible for them to adapt to flake food. It is best to feed them small portions several times per day.

More Information
Scientific Name Cirrhilabrus naokoae
Care Level Easy
Common Names Naoko’s Fairy Wrasse, Yellowbar Fairy Wrasse
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Labridae
Lifespan (years) 7
Max. Length (cm) 10
Min. Tank Volume (l) 189
Origin Sumatra, Indonesia
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Semi-aggressive
Venomous No
Water Conditions 22 - 26°C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
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