Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse - Large

Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse - Large

Angelfish - Koran

Koran Angelfish - Large Juvenile

Blunthead Wrasse - Medium

Blunthead Wrasse - Medium

Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse - Large

Cirrhilabrus ryukyuensis

The Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse has a striking assortment of colours. They are extremely active, easy to take care of and great in a reef environment.

Availability: Out of stock

Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse stand out in a tank with their distinctive colours. There are some differences between sexes. Females have a white belly and an orange or red body. The male's body colour changes from a blue/green on their front half to a red rear half. They also have a yellow patch behind their pectoral fins. This patch distinguishes them from similar species Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura. Their bright colouration can often improve with age. Colour also intensifies in the male during courting.

Breeding information about this species of Fairy Wrasse is limited. The male Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse will show brighter colours during courting. The Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse in general usually has a larger male. Studies indicate that no male juveniles have been found. In a social group, the dominant female will change sex to become male.

Distribution is across the Western Pacific region. Locations include Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan. They are usually found around reefs.

Tank Recommendations for your Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse

Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse need a tank size of at least 90 gallons (340.7 litres) capacity.

They are great for reef aquariums as they are no threat to corals or invertebrates. Fish only aquariums are also suitable to house them. Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse bury in the sand so a substrate of 2-3 inches is advisable.

Include plenty of live rock in a tank as it provides shelter and food sources. A suitable cover is recommended as Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse can jump out of the tank.

Suitable Tank Buddies

Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse are generally peaceful. But they are larger & more aggressive than other species of Fairy Wrasse.

Usually Compatible

They can co-habit with a variety of tank buddies. Suitable companions include Angelfish, Cardinalfish, Gobies, Hogfish, and Tangs.

Sometime Compatible

Caution is advised with conspecifics, Anglerfish/Frogfish, Eels, Grunts/Sweetlips, Squirrelfish, and Triggerfish.

Rarely Compatible

Avoid large predators that can swallow Fairy Wrasse, such as Sharks and Rays. Seahorse and Pipefish are too fragile to co-habit.

Feeding your Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse

Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse are carnivorous. They easily adapt to a tank environment but may need live food while adapting to prepared foods. They will consume vitamin-enriched brine shrimp & mysis shrimp and food flakes/pellets. It is recommended to feed them several times per day in small portions.

More Information
Scientific Name Cirrhilabrus ryukyuensis
Care Level Easy
Common Names Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse, Blueside Fairy Wrasse, Purple Yellow Spot Dwarf Parrot.
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Labridae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 11.5
Min. Tank Volume (l) 341
Origin Western Pacific region. Locations include Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan.
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 22-25° C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
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