Longfin Zebra Danio

Longfin Zebra Danio 4cm

Gold Zebra Danio

Gold Zebra Danio 3.5cm

Longfin Gold Zebra Danio

Longfin Gold Zebra Danio 4cm

Longfin Zebra Danio 4cm

Danio Rerio
100% of 100
A popular strain of the zebra danio, with long flowing fins. Quite hardy, suitable for both heated & unheated aquariums. Very lively and playful, best kept in a school of 5-6 fish. 
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Another popular strain of the zebra danio, with long flowing fins. Quite hardy, suitable for both heated and unheated aquaria. Very lively and playful, best kept in a school of at least 4-6 fish. Grows to about 5-6cm.

A hardy and highly active shoaling fish for the upper region of the aquarium. It is recommended that they be purchased as a group of 6 or more, as individual specimens tend to fade away by themselves.

Although boisterous and liable to chase each other and other fish, they are good community fish and will not generally attack each other or other fish, although they occasionally nip fins, more by accident than design and will, like most fish, eat eggs and any fish small enough to fit into their mouths.

They are best kept in a tank long enough for their active swimming, preferably with a current from a power filter (or at least airstone) as they often live in fast flowing streams in the wild. Generally this also results in them being sub tropical with temperatures of 20 to 22 degrees Celsius (low seventies degrees Fahrenheit) often being fine, however they are good jumpers and a tight fitting lid is recommended.
More Information
Scientific Name Danio Rerio
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    Hi. What are the temperature and light conditions (outdoor natural vs artificial indoor cycle) for Zebra Danio 3.5cm? If outdoor, whereabouts in Australia are they? If indoor, what light cycle do they live in? Many thanks in advance!
    Submited by: Jada Andersen 31 May 2021
    • Hi, Not a lot oo data on light conditions for Zebra Danio in the wild. However as they live in a number of tropical and sub-tropical regions, unfortunately there is no simple answer.

      In captivity they are not fazed by length of day/night cycle, a typical 8-12 hours of artificial lighting will be fine.

      Answered by Admin on 01 Jun 2021
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