Gold Zebra Danio 3.5cm
Danios are by far one of the best beginner fish species, they come in a wide range of colours, patterns, stay very small and are cold-water tolerant. One of these amazing species is the gold zebra danio which has a stunning bright yellow colour with a stunning gold shimmer. They also have long horizontal stripes which earn the ‘zebra’ as the pet of their name. Gold danios are also a great schooling fish that add a tonne of life to the tank and frequently stick to the upper portions of the tank.
- Buy 10 for $4.82 each and save 10%
- Buy 20 for $4.28 each and save 20%
Gold Zebra Danio
Danios are by far one of the best beginner fish species, they come in a wide range of colours, patterns, stay very small and are cold-water tolerant. One of these amazing species is the gold zebra danio which has a stunning bright yellow colour with a stunning gold shimmer. They also have long horizontal stripes which earn the ‘zebra’ as the pet of their name. Gold danios are also a great schooling fish that add a tonne of life to the tank and frequently stick to the upper portions of the tank.
The even better thing about them is that danios are one of the best community fish in existence, meaning that they can be kept with a wide range of peaceful aquarium fish. Because of their hardy and cold water tolerant nature they can be great for those who are just looking into keeping aquariums as they do not need a heater like tropical fish however they can also thrive in a tropical aquarium.
They are also easy to breed males and females can also be recognised fairly easily. Males tend to be more slim and slender whereas females have a more rounded belly. Females will scatter eggs through the aquarium almost daily and once the male has fertilised these, they can be harvested and raised separately. Danios are naturally found in the waterways of India and Bangladesh.
Tank Recommendations for your 10 x Assorted Danios
Being a very small and extremely easy to care for fish the gold zebra danio can be kept in nano aquariums with the minimum being 37 litres. They are able to withstand swings in parameters and temperature which makes them a great fish to keep in smaller tanks. Due to their top dwelling nature, they are not fussy with substrate and will be happy will sand or gravel. they will love and look best in a densely planted aquarium and including lots of fine leafed, dense-growing plants such as Ambulia allows for eggs and possibly fry to naturally survive. The only precaution which should be talked into consideration for danios is they are avid jumpers so a good aquarium lid is a must. This species is most active during the day when the lights are on during the day.
Suitable Tank Buddies
All the danios included in this pack are extremely peaceful fish with no fin nipping tendencies, they can be kept with a vast range of peaceful community fish.
Usually Compatible
Tetras, gouramis, corydoras, angelfish, cherry barbs and common community fish species.
Sometime Compatible
dwarf cichlids such as rams and large peaceful cichlids such as Uaru or Severums which might outcompete for food.
Rarely Compatible
Shrimp and large aggressive species such as African cichlids, Oscars, and Jaguar cichlids.
Feeding your Gold Zebra Danios
Gold Danios will take to a wide range of aquarium foods given to them, this includes pellets, flakes, frozen and live foods. When kept in a school it is great to see their pack feeding as they hammer the surface of the water when feeding. Because of this primarily surface-dwelling mentality, floating or slow sinking food is best fed to them. Feeding should occur once a day and it is best to do so when the lights are on during the day.
Scientific Name | Danio Rerio |
Care Level | Easy |
Common Names | Gold Zebra danio, gold danio, zebra gold danio |
Diet | Omnivore |
Fish Family | Cyprinidae |
Lifespan (years) | 5 |
Max. Length (cm) | 5 |
Min. Tank Volume (l) | 37 litres |
Origin | India |
Reef Safe | Yes |
Sociability | Peaceful |
Venomous | No |
Water Conditions | 24-26° C (75-79° F), pH 5.0-7.0 |
Hi, Not a lot oo data on light conditions for Zebra Danio in the wild. However as they live in a number of tropical and sub-tropical regions, unfortunately there is no simple answer.
In captivity they are not fazed by length of day/night cycle, a typical 8-12 hours of artificial lighting will be fine.