Lamprologus Calliurus 4cm

Lamprologus Calliurus 4cm

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Lamprologus Calliurus 4cm

Lamprologus Calliurus

The Lamprologus Calliurus or Calliurus Shell Dweller Cichlid is an incredibly popular dwarf African shell-dwelling species. Shell dweller cichlids have quickly risen in popularity for their small size, feisty but personable behaviour, and most importantly how much they revolve their lives around shells. Calliurus shell dwellers are a much rarer species in Australia which makes them a fantastic collector species. These cichlids are also relatively easy to care which makes them a fantastic species for newbie aquarists to expand their skills into keeping some more unique fish.

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Lamprologus Calliurus

The Lamprologus Calliurus or Calliurus Shell Dweller Cichlid is an incredibly popular dwarf African shell-dwelling species. Shell dweller cichlids have quickly risen in popularity for their small size, feisty but personable behaviour, and most importantly how much they revolve their lives around shells. Calliurus shell dwellers are a much rarer species in Australia which makes them a fantastic collector species. These cichlids are also relatively easy to care which makes them a fantastic species for newbie aquarists to expand their skills into keeping some more unique fish.

Calliurus Shell Dweller cichlids typically reach lengths of only 6cm, with females often slightly smaller than males. Their small size, however, doesn't mean they lack in aesthetics or personality and this species is arguably one of the more beautiful shell dwellers. The body colour of this fish is a creamy pink which highlights purple and an iridescent blue sheen which is present in the face and fins. The nape of the Calliurus Shell Dweller, especially in males, develops a peachy orange colour that contrasts amazingly with the black cheek spot and body colour. Males also get streamer-like fins whereas females are just stunning little pink beauties. Depending on age these fish can also develop metallic scales and blotches of very light brown that just add more variation, they can also be lighter or darker depending on the colour of the substrate they are kept on.

Breeding these fish is almost as easy as breeding guppies, as long as there is a group of fish kept with a supply of shells then these fish are bound to breed. One of the best things is that shell dwellers are fantastic parents, the female will lay eggs inside a shell which the parents then guard until the fry reaches a free swimming stage. They also maintain the population of the colony really well only breeding if there is enough space and resources.


Tank Recommendations for your Lamprologus Calliurus

As the Calliurus Shell Dweller Cichlid only reaches around 6 cm, an adult pair of these fish can easily be kept in a tank of around 70 litres. A large colony will however thrive in larger aquariums however they really do spend their time near the bottom of the aquarium so it is best to have an aquarium with a larger footprint. An aquarium set up for Calliurus Shell Dweller Cichlids is incredibly simple, all the tank really needs is a sand layer with at least 4 - 5 escargot shells per fish. Having a deeper substrate layer is actually somewhat recommended for these fish because of how well they move it around. These are also tropical fish that are best kept at 24-26 degrees with a pH of 7.0 - 8.5

Suitable Tank Buddies

The Calliurus Shell Dweller Cichlid can be kept with a range of other smaller and relatively peaceful African cichlids. Since these fish require a higher PH of around 8 the tank mates chosen should be adaptable to this.

Usually Compatible

Smaller African cichlids such as black Calvus, Furcifer Cichlids and Julidochromis.

Sometimes Compatible

Frontosa, smaller Mbuna species, and other larger but somewhat peaceful African cichlids like Mdoka Whitelips.

Rarely Compatible

Aggressive African cichlid species like Fuscodichromis and Polystigma.

Feeding your Lamprologus Calliurus

The Calliurus Shell Dweller Cichlid will take to aquarium foods very easily. They will take a wide range of pellets, flakes, and frozen foods. By
giving them a varied diet ensures that they have optimal nutrition.

The ideal diet would be good quality, small, and slow-sinking food, supplemented with green matter like algae flakes or sheets. Feeding any foods with natural color enhancers would also be great as this will really enhance the yellowfin and stripes on this fish.

More Information
Scientific Name Lamprologus Calliurus
Care Level Easy
Common Names Calliurus Shell Dweller Cichlid, Sunspot Shell Dweller
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 6
Min. Tank Volume (l) 70
Origin Africa
Reef Safe No
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C, pH 7.0-8.5
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