Clownfish Orange & White - Small

Clownfish Orange & White - Small

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Clownfish Orange & White - Small

Amphiprion Ocellaris
100% of 100
Availability: Out of stock
This is a Saltwater fish. · Temperature: 24°C - 26°C. · pH: 8.2 · Specific gravity:1.020 It is a good idea to do a 25% water change every 2-4 weeks A staple diet should be dry foods, supplemented with live and frozen. Ocellaris clowns become territorial at about 5cm. Once they reach this size, it’s best to keep no more than one pair per tank and only pack one per bag when moving them. Juveniles are very compatible with each other, swimming and feeding together in compact schools. In the absence of females, male clown fish will change sex by growing larger and becoming female. As a general rule, the largest adults are female and the smallest are males. This Clownfish is usually bright orange with white bands. The black and white colour form occurs naturally around Darwin and is currently thought to be a geographical race. Juvenile black and white clowns retain the orange/brown colour until they reach adulthood, at about 5cm. Caramel clowns are orange and white as juveniles, gradually developing a rich orange/caramel top half as they mature. If your wanting to start up a tank for these (as they have become ever so popular after the Famous 'Finding Nemo' You will require the following things for the set up, - Tank (Best in 50 litres or more) - Air pump - Hydrometer & Thermometer - Decorations or hiding places - Aquarium heater - Biological filter & airstone - Aquarium light - Artificial sea salt or natural sea water - An anti-chlorine agent (to ensure water is chlorine free) - Shell grit or other marine substrate - Test Kits (Ammonia, Marine PH, Hardness etc) We do recommend waiting at least 2 days after establishing the tank before introducing any Clown Fish. Ensure your water parameters are correct before introducing your Clown Fish. Keep stocking densities low during the conditioning period, which can take between 3-6 weeks. During this time, monitor the progress of your system by measuring pH, ammonia and nitrite levels. When filters are biologically active test for nitrates, and perform regular partial water changes to keep nitrate levels to a minimum.
More Information
Scientific Name Amphiprion Ocellaris
Care Level Easy
Common Names False Percula Clownfish, Common Clownfish, Western Clown Anemonefish, Ocellaris Clownfish, Anemone Demoiselle, False Clownfish, False Clown Anemonefish, Western Clownfish, Anemone Fish, Clown Anemonefish and Clownfish.
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Pomacentridae
Lifespan (years) 18
Max. Length (cm) 7.5
Min. Tank Volume (l) 76
Origin Indo-Pacific
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 22.2-25.6° C (72-78° F), , dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
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