Yellow Belly Damselfish

Yellow Belly Damselfish - Medium

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Yellow Belly Damselfish - Medium

Chrysiptera Hemicyanea  

The Yellow Belly Damselfish has a bright blue body and then its belly as the name suggests is bright yellow. The yellow coloration starts below the pectoral fins through to the tail. These active Damselfish are less aggressive than most and will bring lots of color to your tank.

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Yellow Belly Damselfish

The Yellow Belly Damselfish is a popular choice for new aquarists as it is hardy fish that is easy to care.

If you are keeping a group of these Damselfish, then keep six or more together. They are likely to squabble amongst themselves, so more than six together should mean none get singled out.

These fish originate from the East Indian Ocean and Western Pacific Ocean. They prefer shallower waters of sheltered inshore fringing reefs and lagoon reef patches.

Tank Recommendations for Yellow Belly Damselfish

The smallest tank size for these Damselfish is 30 gallons for a single specimen or mated pair. If you are adding a larger group then you should allow 15 gallons per fish to ensure that you don’t overcrowd your tank. If you are adding larger fish to the tank then follow their tank sizing requirements.

Like most small fish are often preyed upon in the wild. Having plenty of rocks and corals with crevices and caves for them to hide in helps them feel safe.

These fish are fine to keep with soft and hard corals as well as live rock. They usually feed near the bottom of the tank but will often also take flake food from the surface of your tank.

When feeding them sinking pellet food ensure that you soak it before feeding it to your fish. This is to ensure that no trapped air inside the pellets gets stuck in the Damselfish’s digestive tract.

Suitable Tank Buddies

Yellow Belly Damselfish are small and semi-aggressive, but it's not hard to find plenty of suitable tank mates.

Usually Compatible

These fish mix well with Clownfish, Blennies, Boxfish, Crustaceans, Dragonets, Gobies, Hogfish, Tangs, Puffers, Wrasses, and invertebrates. Keep them with fish of a similar size that is of a similar temperament or larger non-predatory peaceful fish.

Sometime Compatible

You can keep many Yellow Belly Damselfish together. A male/female pair or small groups are okay so long as you allow for 15 gallons of water per Damsel. These Damselfish are more peaceful than most Damselfish.

You can mix them with other semi-aggressive fish like Angelfish, both large and dwarf varieties, but watch them ensure they don’t get bullied. If they do you can try rearranging the tank decor as this often helps.

Keep an eye on these fish if you are mixing them with Frogfish, Cardinals, Filefish, Pufferfish or Triggerfish.

Rarely Compatible

Predators with a mouth big enough to fit it in, which will be most predators isn’t a good idea. So no Sharks, Groupers, Snappers, Scorpionfish, or Eels. Slow swimmers like Seahorses won’t do well either, as they won’t be able to compete for food resources.

Feeding Your Yellow Belly Damselfish

These Damsels are omnivores and don’t have special dietary requirements. They accept live foods like mysis shrimp and brine shrimp. They will also take shredded frozen fish, flake, and pellet foods and will also eat algae in the tank from live rock.

Feed them small meals 2 or 3 times per day. This also helps to reduce territory dust-ups with other tank members if they don’t feel they need to protect their food resources.

More Information
Scientific Name Chrysiptera Hemicyanea  
Care Level Easy
Common Names Azure Demoiselle, Azure Damsel, Yellow-dipped Damsel, Half-blue Damselfish, Half-blue Demoiselle, Royal Demoiselle, and Yellow Belly Damselfish.
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Pomacanthidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 7
Min. Tank Volume (l) 114
Origin Indo-Pacific
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Semi-aggressive
Venomous No
Water Conditions 23 to 29° C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, 1.023-1.025 SG
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