Vanderbilts Chromis - Medium
The Vanderbilt Chromis is beautiful, hardy species that is great for beginners. It is easy to feed and can be kept in a small shoal. If you are looking for a peaceful, versatile fish this species can be a great addition to an aquarium.
The Vandebilt Chromis has an eye-catching appearance. Its body is yellow with bright blue dotted lines running horizontally along it. The main part of the dorsal fin is also yellow, with a small gold dot at the rear. The caudal fin is yellow at the top and black at the bottom. The anal fin is an extremely dark blue/black. Adults can reach 3 inches (7.6 centimetres) in length.
This species is oviparous and during breeding will form distinct pairs. They spawn demersal eggs that stick to the substrate. After spawning the male will aerate the eggs and guard them.
The Vanderbilt Chromis natural habitat is the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Locations include Fiji, Rowley Shoals, & Izu islands, Taiwan, Pitcairn, & Hawaiian Islands. They can be found around inshore & outer reefs, between 2-20 metres.
Tank Recommendations for Vanderbilt Chromis
Vanderbilt Chromis need a tank capacity that is at least 30 gallons (113.5 litres)
This species is suitable for a reef or fish only aquarium. It can be kept in a small school and beginners often keep them long term as they learn the hobby.
They usually swim in upper areas of the thank and need wide open swimming spaces. It is beneficial to have reef or rocky areas for them to shelter in case they feel threatened. This species can jump so it is a good idea to have a secure cover over the top of the tank.
Suitable Tank Buddies
The Vanderbilt Chromis is a peaceful species. It should be housed with fish that have a similar temperament.
It can be housed with conspecifics and is often happiest when it is part of a small school.
Usually Compatible
Suitable companions include Angelfish, Cardinalfish, Anthias, Gobies, Basslets, Clownfish, Tangs. Dragonets and Pufferfish,
Sometime Compatible
Damselfish, Batfish, Hogfish, Grunts/Sweetlips, Squirrelfish, large Wrasses and Triggerfish need monitoring.
Rarely Compatible
Avoid Frogfish/Anglerfish, Groupers, Eels, Sharks and Rays, Lionfish/Scorpionfish as all are likely to view the Chromis as a meal. Seahorses and Pipefish should be housed in a separate tank.
Feeding your Vanderbilt Chromis
Vanderbilt Chromis are omnivores. They eat a varied diet of aquarium foods. Suitable products include zooplankton & crustaceans such as mysis shrimp & krill. Algae and spirulina can also be included. Feeding should take place several times per day.
Scientific Name | Chromis vanderbilti |
Care Level | Easy |
Common Names | Vanderbilt Chromis, Black Fin Damsel, Black Chromis |
Diet | Omnivore |
Fish Family | Pomacentridae |
Lifespan (years) | 4 |
Max. Length (cm) | 8 |
Min. Tank Volume (l) | 114 |
Origin | Indian and Pacific Oceans; Fiji, Rowley Shoals, & Izu islands, Taiwan, Pitcairn, & Hawaiian Islands |
Reef Safe | Yes |
Sociability | Peaceful |
Venomous | No |
Water Conditions | 22.2 – 25.5°C ° C (72 - 78 ° F), dKH 8-12, pH 8.0-8.4, sg 1.022-1.025 |