Squirrelfish Tail-Spot

Tail-Spot Squirrelfish - Large

Bodianus mesothorax

Coral Hogfish - Small juvenile


Crown Squirrelfish - Medium

Tail-Spot Squirrelfish - Large

Sargocentron caudimaculatum

This vibrantly coloured member of the Squirrelfish family is not available very often in the aquarium trade. This is a shame because they make wonderful additions to both reef and fish only tanks. The Tailspot Squirrelfish is a mostly nocturnal species but can see be spotted hiding in crevices during the day.

Availability: Out of stock

This reddish coloured fish turns its tail white during daylight hours. Its distinctive big eyes help it to see and hunt at night. These guys start off small but can quickly grow to full adult size. They have a large non-venomous spine which can protract so take care when attempting to handle them.

Squirrelfish have the unusual ability to create sounds by contracting their swim bladders. These noises can range from quick pops and crackles to a constant low rumbling and are extremely entertaining.

This species is extremely sensitive to noises and can get agitated by tapping on the glass. So be aware especially if children are close to the aquarium.

The Tailspot Squirrelfish is originally found in the Indo-West Pacific ocean from East Africa and the Red Sea over to Southern Japan and Australia. They live under ledges in shallow drop-offs and lagoons and can be seen at depths down the 45 metres. They are usually alone or in small groups sheltering during the day and coming out to feed at night.

Tank Recommendations for Tailspot Squirrelfish

The smallest tank size is 380 litres and you should be sure to include plenty of hiding places such as caves that are big enough to fit their adult size. As this is a nocturnal species try to avoid having a brightly lit tank. If intense lighting is necessary such as in a reef environment be sure to provide plenty of overhangs and caves. This may mean that your fish will be slightly less visible during daylight hours. No special water movement requirements are needed.

Suitable Tank Buddies

These fish are best maintained in small groups as they are quite a peaceful species. They are predators and as such care should be taken not to keep smaller sized fish in the same tank as them which could be seen as prey. Ornamental shrimp are one of their favourite things to eat.

Usually Compatible

Good tank buddies can include large and dwarf Angelfish, Frogfish and Batfish. Boxfish, Clownfish and Filefish will make excellent friends as well. Other great options could be Goatfish, Grunts and Hawkfish. Hogfish, Parrotfish and Pufferfish will get along great as well. Rays, Tangs and other Squirrelfish should be perfectly fine too.

Sometime Compatible

Take caution if attempting to keep with species such as Wrasses, Triggerfish and Scorpionfish. Sharks, Lionfish and Eels should be chosen carefully as well depending on their size. Other species to keep a close eye on would be crustaceans, invertebrates and Butterflyfish. Damselfish, Gobies and Dragonets should be watched carefully too.

Rarely Compatible

Avoid keeping these Squirrelfish with other species such as Groupers and Snappers. Seahorses and Pipefish may be too intimidated in the presence of them so avoid those too.

Feeding your Tailspot Squirelfish

Squirrelfish are carnivores and as such need a meaty diet which can include chopped fish and shrimp flesh. They will also accept frozen brine and mysis shrimp and other frozen foods designed for carnivores. Feed them once or twice a day. You may have difficulty getting them to feed at first due to their nocturnal habits. In this case, small live foods such as guppies, shrimp and worms should be offered. In time they will adapt to accept frozen foods.

More Information
Scientific Name Sargocentron caudimaculatum
Care Level Moderate
Common Names The Tailspot Squirrelfish is also known as the Silverspot Squirrelfish.
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Holocentridae
Lifespan (years) 8
Max. Length (cm) 25
Min. Tank Volume (l) 380
Origin Indo-West Pacific
Reef Safe With Caution
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 22-27° C , dKH 8-12, pH 8.0-8.5, sg 1.020-1.026
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