Synodontis Petricola

Synodontis Petricola 7cm

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Panaqolus L397 4cm

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Synodontis Petricola 7cm

Synodontis Petricola

The Rift Lake Petricola Catfish, commonly known as the cuckoo catfish, is a beautiful, popular, and peaceful species that makes an ideal addition to community and African cichlid aquariums. Their attractive coloration, fast activity level, and relatively small size make them a favourite among hobbyists’ cichlid keepers especially. These fish have also been gaining popularity amongst home breeders as these are fun fish to spawn in the home aquarium.

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Synodontis Petricola - Rift Lake

The Rift Lake Petricola Catfish, commonly known as the cuckoo catfish, is a beautiful, popular, and peaceful species that makes an ideal addition to community and African cichlid aquariums. Their attractive coloration, fast activity level, and relatively small size make them a favourite among hobbyists’ cichlid keepers especially. These fish have also been gaining popularity amongst home breeders as these are fun fish to spawn in the home aquarium.

The Rift Lake Petricola Catfish has quite a distinct look, especially with its colour and patterning. The body colour of these Tanganyikan catfish can range from a cream to brown colour from head to tail which is contrasted with jet black, leopard-like spots. These spots are small and close near the face but get larger and spread out the body. For some further contrast, the synodontis also have a white rim around all the fins and the whiskers as well. These are classic bottom-dwelling fish, so the belly area is flat with a downwards-facing mouth. The average size of the Rift Lake Petricola Catfish is around 10-12 cm in length. The size of these fish is the main differentiating factor from other synodontis species that look very similar such as Lucipinus or Multipunctatus.

Breeding Rift Lake Petricola Catfish is incredibly fun as these fish can both spawn with and without the presence of African cichlids. They are called cuckoo catfish for their observed parasitic method of spawning in the wild where parents will lay their eggs secretly in between a clutch of eggs laid by African cichlids. As the cichlids protect eggs, they offer free protection for these fish. They can however also spawn in a species-only setting as well where the female will lay eggs in a secluded area which the male then fertilises. The fish offer no parental protection afterward.

Tank Recommendations for your Rift Lake Petricola Catfish

A minimum tank size of 150 litres is recommended for these catfish as they do prefer to be kept in groups. Provide plenty of hiding spots using rocks, caves, and driftwood, as well as a sandy substrate for them to sift through. Offering a lot of hiding spots will make the fish spend more time out in the open as they know refuge is close by. The water temperature should be maintained between 22-27°C, with a pH level of 7.0-8.0.

Suitable Tank Buddies

The Rift Lake Petricola Catfish is a peaceful species and can be housed with a variety of tankmates, as long as they are not too aggressive or large enough to consider the catfish as prey.

Usually Compatible

Small African cichlids, larger tetras, barbs, giant danios, mollies, angelfish, rainbowfish, and other peaceful catfish species.

Sometimes Compatible

Mildly aggressive fish like larger African cichlids might show territorial aggression towards the Rift Lake Petricola Catfish.

Rarely Compatible

Predatory fish, such as large South American cichlids may harass or eat the Rift Lake Petricola Catfish. Small and slow-moving fish like neon tetras should also be avoided.


Feeding your Rift Lake Petricola Catfish

The Rift Lake Petricola Catfish is an omnivorous species and will accept a wide range of foods. Provide a varied diet of high-quality pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia. Since these fish are mostly carnivores it is best to give them mostly meaty foods.

More Information
Scientific Name Synodontis Petricola
Care Level Easy
Common Names Petricola Catfish, Synodontis Catfish, Cuckoo Catfish
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Mochokidae
Lifespan (years) 8
Max. Length (cm) 12
Min. Tank Volume (l) 150
Origin East Africa
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 22-27° C, pH 7.0 - 8.0
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