Scooter Dragonet - Medium

Scooter Dragonet - Medium

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Scooter Dragonet - Medium

Synchiropus Ocellatus
100% of 100

Scooter Dragonets have the distictive swimming style of other Dragonets. The male has an impressive dorsal fin that's colored with dramatic stripes and ocellations.

Availability: In stock

The Scooter Dragonet has a brown and tan body with a covering of spots or stripes. The males’ dorsal fin is larger and has a bright orange base. It has an unusual body shape, widening out from the head to its’ pectoral fins, then tapering back to its’ tail. This gives it a diamond shape if you are looking down on it. Scooter Dragonets are bottom dwellers that are usually found in shallow tropical waters. Typical locations are rocky reefs or sandy lagoons.

The Scooter Dragonet (Scientific Name:-Synchiropus ocellatus) is part of the Callionymidae family. It is also called the Ocellated Dragonet or Scooter Blenny. It's found across the Western pacific ocean.

Reproduction involves a courtship display. This is usually performed by the male, but if the female is ready to spawn and needs to mate, she will also perform. If they form a pair, then before spawning, they will ascend from the ocean floor up the water column, (approx. 0.7-1.2 meters). The male and female release sperm and eggs into the water column for fertilization. The eggs aren’t guarded by the adults, they are buoyant and get taken along with the current of the ocean. Scooter Dragonets can grow to a length of 8 centimetres (3.1 in). Its’ typical lifespan is 5-8 years.

Tank Recommendations for Scooter Dragonets

Tanks should be 114 litres (30 gallons), if you have more than 1 Dragonet then 208 (55 gallons) gallons is optimal.

Scooter Dragonet like a reef aquarium. Plenty of hiding places with and a sandy bottom (live sand substrate is preferable).

Suitable Tank Buddies

It's wise to check which fish are compatible with others before putting them in the same aquarium. Dragonets are usually small fish that are slow swimmers. These fish have slime on their skin which is foul-tasting and poisonous to predators.

Usually compatible

Scooter Dragonets have a peaceful temperament and can co-habit with other docile fish. If keeping them in groups, the preferable ratio is 1 male and a small number of females. This works best if they added to the tank at the same time. Suitable tank buddies include Chromis, Angels, Anthias, Butterflies, Clownfish, Gobies, Puffers & Tangs.

Sometime Compatible

Housing 2 male Dragonets together can lead to aggression. Introduce Basslets, Batfish and Blennies, Filefish, Grunts/Sweetlips, Psuedochromis and Parrots with caution. Wrasses will live with Dragonets in a reef environment, but watch them in a fish only environment.

Rarely Compatible

Avoid larger, aggressive fish, such as Lionfish, Groupers, Triggers, Sharks and Rays

Feeding Your Scooter Dragonet

Scooter Dragonets are carnivores, they sift through sand in search of food. It can sometimes be tricky to feed them. They need plenty of live rock containing copepods & amphipods and a live sand bed. They may also take small chopped live or frozen food, such as brine shrimp. It is also a possibility that they will eat dry foods, but there is no guarantee of this.

More Information
Scientific Name Synchiropus Ocellatus
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