Ruti Island

Ruti Island 4cm

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Ruti Island 4cm

Pundamilia nyererei
The Pundamilia nyererei from Ruti Island is a stunning and rare African cichlid, known for its intense coloration and active nature. Originating from the rocky shores of Lake Victoria, this species is admired for its vibrant red, yellow, and blue hues, making it a standout addition to any cichlid aquarium. Though territorial, with proper care and tank mates, this striking fish can be a rewarding choice for experienced aquarists looking to keep a piece of Lake Victoria's beauty in their home aquarium.
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Ruti Island


The Pundamilia nyererei from Ruti Island is a stunning and rare African cichlid, known for its intense coloration and active nature. Originating from the rocky shores of Lake Victoria, this species is admired for its vibrant red, yellow, and blue hues, making it a standout addition to any cichlid aquarium. Though territorial, with proper care and tank mates, this striking fish can be a rewarding choice for experienced aquarists looking to keep a piece of Lake Victoria's beauty in their home aquarium.

Ruti Island cichlids are breathtakingly vibrant, displaying a mix of fiery red, deep yellow, and shimmering blue across their bodies. The head and dorsal area often take on a rich metallic blue, while the lower body transitions into bright red, contrasting with bold vertical black bars. Their fins are edged with electric blue highlights, enhancing their striking appearance. Normally the males tend to be much for vibrant than females which typically are a silvery-gray colour with faint vertical barring. This is a medium-growing cichlid that can reach about 10 cm when full-grown.

Like most Victorian cichlids, Pundamilia nyererei is highly active and territorial, particularly males. They will claim and defend territories aggressively, especially in smaller tanks or when breeding. Keeping them in a properly structured environment with plenty of hiding spaces can help reduce aggression. Breeding is relatively straightforward, as they are maternal mouthbrooders. Males establish territories and display intense coloration to attract females. After spawning, the female will hold the fertilised eggs in her mouth for about 2-3 weeks, protecting the developing fry until they are free-swimming. Once released, the fry can be fed baby brine shrimp or finely crushed flakes.


Tank Recommendations for your Ruti Island

A minimum tank size of 150 litres is recommended for a small group, though larger tanks of 200 litres or more will help manage aggression. Since these fish originate from rocky lake environments, the aquarium should be decorated with plenty of rock formations, caves, and hiding spots to establish territories. A sandy or fine gravel substrate is ideal, and open swimming areas should be maintained. Good filtration and regular water changes are essential, as these fish can be sensitive to poor water quality.

Suitable Tank Buddies

Given their aggressive and territorial nature, Pundamilia nyererei should be housed with other similarly sized and temperament-matching African cichlids. Avoid slow-moving or peaceful species, as they may be bullied.

Usually Compatible

Other Lake Victoria cichlids of similar size and temperament, such as Haplochromis and Astatotilapia species, can make suitable tank mates. Some robust Mbuna from Lake Malawi may also coexist if aggression is properly managed.

Sometimes Compatible

Other semi-aggressive African cichlids, such as smaller Peacock cichlids or mildly aggressive Haplochromis species, may work in larger tanks with plenty of hiding spaces. Some fast-moving, larger tetras may also coexist if introduced carefully.

Rarely Compatible

Peaceful fish, slow-moving species, and fish with long-flowing fins (such as angelfish or discus) should be avoided. Small community fish will likely be harassed or eaten. Other highly aggressive cichlids, such as Mbuna or large predatory Haps, may also pose issues due to excessive aggression.

Feeding your Ruti Island

This species is an omnivore but leans toward a more herbivorous diet in the wild. In captivity, they thrive on high-quality cichlid pellets, spirulina-based flakes, and occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia. Avoid high-protein or fatty foods like beef heart, as these can cause digestive issues. Feeding them twice a day in small portions will help maintain their health and vibrant colours.

More Information
Scientific Name Pundamilia nyererei
Care Level Moderate
Common Names Ruti Island cichlid, nyererei cichlid
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 7
Max. Length (cm) 10
Min. Tank Volume (l) 150
Origin Africa
Sociability Aggressive
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-27° C, pH 7.5-8.5
Plant Safe With Caution
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