Red Dwarf Pencilfish

Red Dwarf Pencilfish 3cm

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Red Dwarf Pencilfish 3cm

Nannostomus Mortenthaleri

The Red Coral Pencilfish is a fantastic species for aquarists who are searching for a higher-end, stunning showpiece that would be well suited to nano or planted aquariums. These will arguably be one of the most stunning nano fish you will ever come across and their natural but laser red colour is something you don’t see all that often in the hobby. When kept in a group the flaring behavior between males, the contrasting colours and the unique swimming pattern is a real spectacle. These are a more sensitive species compared to other aquarium fish which does make them better suited to more advanced aquarists. 

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Red Dwarf Pencilfish

The Red Coral Pencilfish is a fantastic species for aquarists who are searching for a higher-end, stunning showpiece that would be well suited to nano or planted aquariums. These will arguably be one of the most stunning nano fish you will ever come across and their natural but laser red colour is something you don’t see all that often in the hobby. When kept in a group the flaring behavior between males, the contrasting colours and the unique swimming pattern is a real spectacle. These are a more sensitive species compared to other aquarium fish which does make them better suited to more advanced aquarists. 


Red dwarf pencil fish are also known as red coral pencil fish but they are arguably far redder than the reddest of corals. Surprisingly the red on this fish is limited to a bold line that travels from head to tail with some highlights on the fins. However, the metallic, almost radiating colour looks stunning when it contrasts with the white underbelly and black nape which almost make this fish look like a laser blast. The dwarf red pencil fish is truly a dwarf fish that only reach a maximum size of 5 cm and are fish that is native to Peru. 

Red coral pencil fish aren’t bred too regularly in the home aquarium hence why their price is quite high compared to other pencil fish species. These fish usually require a low PH and certain environmental triggers for them to begin breeding. Though this can be replicated in the home aquarium, it can be quite hard to nail and get the trigger for spawning. These are egg-scattering fish that won’t show any parental care either but the ideal breeding setup would be a small aquarium with dense plants and botanicals to ensure a low PH and plant cover for the fry. The fry should be fed rotifers or liquid meals until they can survive on their own because they are extremely small. This challenge of rearing up the fry makes this fish a fun breeding project to consider.

Tank Recommendations for your Dwarf Red Pencilfish 

A small group of Red pencil fish only requires a tank of 70 liters. This ensures that there’s ample space for around 5 pencil fish and other tank mates if needed.   These fish do come from botanical and plant-dense environments in the wild but will thrive in a nice, high-tech planted display. These pencil fish are not too fussed on hardscape and but a tight-fitting lid will be a requirement since they can jump.


Suitable Tank Buddies.

Dwarf red pencil fish are a friendly species that can easily get along with a wide range of community aquarium fish. They have small mouths, are not fin nippers, and should rarely outcompete their tank mates. 


Usually compatible

Celestial pearl danios, peacock gudgeons, emerald Raspboras and similar species nano species. 


Sometimes Compatible

Angelfish, Apistogramma, rams, and other territorial fish may show minimal but long-term aggression to the sensitive-natured pencil fish. 


Rarely Compatible

Predatory South American cichlids and African cichlids will for sure make a mean out of the pencil fish.  


Feeding your Dwarf Red Pencilfish 

Like most common tropical aquarium fish, the dwarf red pencil fish is reasonably simple to feed. In the wild, they will be found eating worms, crustaceans, and small insects. They will also accept dried food in the form of a high-protein pellet or flake meal of good quality which can further 

More Information
Scientific Name Nannostomus Mortenthaleri
Care Level Hard
Common Names Dwarf red pencil fish, red coral pencil fish
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Lebiasinidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 5
Min. Tank Volume (l) 70 Liters
Origin Peru
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C, pH 6.5 - 7.0
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