Red-Blue Columbian Tetra 4cm
The Colombian Tetra is a bold and underrated species that brings a pop of colour and activity to any freshwater aquarium. These hardy and active fish are perfect for aquarists looking for a mid-sized schooling species that can hold its own in a community tank. While they aren't as commonly seen as other tetra species, they are a fantastic addition for anyone wanting a striking naturally blue and red contrast in their tank.
Red Blue Colombian Tetra
The Colombian Tetra is a bold and underrated species that brings a pop of colour and activity to any freshwater aquarium. These hardy and active fish are perfect for aquarists looking for a mid-sized schooling species that can hold its own in a community tank. While they aren't as commonly seen as other tetra species, they are a fantastic addition for anyone wanting a striking naturally blue and red contrast in their tank.
With a shimmering silvery-blue body that catches the light, Colombian Tetras have a sleek, metallic appearance that stands out in an aquarium. Their bright red fins provide a vivid contrast, with the intensity of their colours deepening as they age. Growing to 6-7 cm, they are one of the larger tetras, making them a great option for aquarists who want a more robust schooling fish. They are highly active and should always be kept in groups of at least six, as this encourages natural schooling behaviour and helps prevent fin-nipping.
Breeding Colombian Tetras is possible in captivity, though it requires some effort. They are egg scatterers, preferring fine-leaved plants or spawning mops for egg deposition. Males tend to have more intense colouration and slimmer bodies compared to the rounder, fuller-bodied females. Once eggs are laid, removing the adults is advised to prevent predation on the fry.
Tank Recommendations for your Colombian Tetra
A tank size of 100 litres or more is ideal for a group of Colombian Tetras, as they are fast swimmers and need plenty of open space. A well-planted setup with a mix of driftwood and rocky structures will provide security while allowing them room to move. Since they are naturally found in slow-moving waters, a moderate flow is ideal, and dim lighting or tannin-stained water can help bring out their colours.
Suitable Tank Buddies
Colombian Tetras are generally very peaceful but can be a little nippy, so tank mates should still be selectively chosen.
Usually Compatible
Larger tetras, rainbowfish, barbs, corydoras, plecos, and other active mid-sized community fish.
Sometimes Compatible
Angelfish, gouramis, and discus only in larger tanks where the tetras won't feel the need to nip at long fins.
Rarely Compatible
Large predatory fish such as Oscars or Jack Dempseys, which may see them as food.
Feeding your Colombian Tetra
Colombian Tetras are omnivorous and will readily accept flakes, pellets, and frozen foods. A varied diet that includes bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia will help enhance their colour and overall health. Since they are active feeders, offering small meals multiple times a day can help maintain their energy levels.
Scientific Name | Hyphessobrycon columbianus |
Care Level | Easy |
Common Names | Colombian Tetra, Blue-Red Tetra |
Diet | Omnivore |
Fish Family | Characidae |
Lifespan (years) | 5 |
Max. Length (cm) | 7 |
Min. Tank Volume (l) | 100 |
Origin | South America |
Sociability | Peaceful |
Venomous | No |
Water Conditions | 22-28° C, pH 6.0-7.5 |
Plant Safe | Yes |