Rasbora Maculata

Rasbora Maculata 1cm

Cherry Shrimp

Cherry Shrimp 1-2cm


Barramundi 3cm

Rasbora Maculata 1cm

Boraras Maculatus
96% of 100
The Maculatus is a very peaceful dwarf Rasbora. They are a schooling fish so best kept in groups of 5-10. A great fish for Nano Aquariums as they are bright in colour leave plants alone.
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Rasbora Maculata


The Rasbora Maculata is a true nano fish species that only reaches a maximum of 2.5 cm, this makes them the perfect candidate for nano aquariums or to have a minimalistic fish in planted aquariums. They have vibrant reds that contrast amazingly against their environment, are relatively easy to care for, and are a great schooling fish. 


This fish is often called the exclamation point Raspbora as they have what almost looks like a horizontal exclamation mark. This jet-black spot in the middle of their body and tail contrasts really well against the bright shades of red through the fish. For such a tiny species they really pack a punch in their vibrancy which is truly stellar they are kept in a school of at least 5+. They are a tropical species that needs a temperature of 24-26 degrees and need some care taken with the filtration equipment in the aquarium as they have the risk of being caught in it. Rasbora maculata is not the greatest swimmer with their small stature and often hang out in low-flow environments in the wild. 


Breeding the Rasbora maculata in the home aquarium is possible but needs a lot of preparation and care because of how small these fish are. The eggs are incredibly tiny and can be eaten by almost any other tank mate including snails and shrimp. There are no easy distinguishing factors between males and females so the best bet is to have a school in a well-planted or dedicated breeding aquarium and let the fish breed naturally. 


Tank Recommendations for Rasbora Maculata
Being a small and relatively easy to care for fish the Rasbora Maculata can be kept in smaller aquariums with the minimum being 30 liters.

This aquarium size allows for a decent school of these fish along with other tank mates if required. 


They will appreciate a well-planted aquarium but will have little concern over the substrate or hardscape choices. These are also fish that looks amazing against a darker aquarium background with a higher level of red in the lighting used for the tank. 


Suitable Tank Buddies

Since the Rasbora maculata is a slow-moving and tiny fish, there is a high chance of predation if there is not a proper selection of tank mates. Ideally then should be kept in a species-specific environment or with fish that are similar in nature.


Usually Compatible

Shrimp, Celestial Pearl Danios, Emerald Rasbora, Khuli loaches, Borneo suckers, ender guppies, and similar nano species

Sometimes Compatible

Dwarf grouami, betta, larger fast-moving tetras, rams and dwarf cichlids such as appistogramma. 


Rarely Compatible

Giant danio, angelfish, Raphael catfish and any species which will outcompete or predate the small Rasbora.

Feeding your Rasbora Maculata

Though this species is incredibly small, they should be fairly easy to feed. It is best to feed them a crushed flake or even fry food to ensure their small mouths can eat the food provided. They can also be supplemented with baby brine shrimp or micro worms for added variety.

More Information
Scientific Name Boraras Maculatus
Care Level Easy
Common Names Rasbora Maculata, Exclamation point Raspbora, chilli raspbora
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Cyprinidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 2.5
Min. Tank Volume (l) 30 Liters
Origin Asia
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24 - 26° C, pH 6.0-7.0
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