Ramirezi Electric Blue

Ramirezi Electric Blue 5cm

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Ramirezi Electric Blue 5cm

Mikrogeophagus ramirezi

Blue Rams are naturally considered to be one of the world's most striking and popular dwarf cichlids. Through the years of selective breeding, the wild colour blue ram has been developed to create this phenomenal electric blue ram. This fish carries what’s known as the electric blue gene which is commonly seen in other cichlid species such as jack Dempsy's, Blue Acara’s, and even Discus.

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Electric Blue Ram

Blue Rams are naturally considered to be one of the world's most striking and popular dwarf cichlids. Through the years of selective breeding, the wild colour blue ram has been developed to create this phenomenal electric blue ram. This fish carries what’s known as the electric blue gene which is commonly seen in other cichlid species such as jack Dempsy's, Blue Acara’s, and even Discus.

The Electric Blue Ram as the name suggests sports this mesmerizing metallic blue which shimmers in every angle and is also contrasted by its blood-red eye. Along with their colour they have a bold personality and are the perfect size for those keeping smaller aquariums. Because of these reasons and their fantastic colours the electric blue ram is a highly demanded fish globally.

Electric Blue Rams just like other ram variations do have slightly different environmental requirements, primarily being an elevated water temperature of around 26 to even 30 degrees. They are also sensitive to fluctuations in water parameters meaning that they aren’t great beginner fish. Their care is often regarded to be similar to the prized discus which is why electric blue rams and discus are often kept together.

Electric Blue Rams rams are regarded as community fish as they are peaceful and remain fairly small at 7cm max. They are also bred fairly easily in captivity and differentiating males and females is possible where the male's body is more elongated than that of a female, and the male's dorsal fin ends in more of a point. However, the best method to identify is to get a pack of 4-6 rams and let them naturally pair off. 


Tank Recommendations for your Electric Blue Rams

Being a dwarf cichlid, electric blue rams can be kept in smaller aquariums however the minimum would be around 60 liters (20 gallons). As always though a larger aquarium would be far better and making sure there is a decent floor space can avoid any territorial behavior that blue rams may exhibit. They will also prefer a well-planted aquarium and hiding places like caves. Sand or small grain gravel substrate would be fine for these fish as they do routinely sift through the sand for food and make breeding pits in the substrate as well. Electric blue rams would be kept with others of their kind to make them feel comfortable and be more active in the aquarium, this may also even reduce the aggression they could show to other fish. They are also soft water fish meaning they require a low PH. They can be kept in PH as low as 6.


Suitable Tank Buddies

The electric blue ram is a fairly peaceful fish that only may display aggression in territorial disputes however can be kept with a wide range of community fish. 

Usually Compatible

Discus, Angelfish, cardinal tetras, Corydoras, and other rams


Sometimes Compatible

Larger peaceful South American cichlids such as Uaru, Severums, and other fish may out-compete them as they are mostly bottom-dwelling fish. They may also eat extremely nano fish such as endlers. 


Rarely Compatible

Large and aggressive species such as Oscars may prey on the blue rams


Feeding your Electric Blue Rams

Electric Blue rams are very easy to feed. They will take a wide range of pellets, flakes, and frozen foods. Just like any fish though they should be fed a varied diet with a mix of different foods. The ideal diet would be a good quality micro slow-sinking pellet or crushed flake, supplemented with frozen bloodworms or black worms or even live foods like baby brine shrimp or micro worms. 

More Information
Scientific Name Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
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