Odessa Barb 4cm
The Odessa barb is a highly underrated species that is honestly such a stunning fish once it establishes in the aquarium. the simplistic but elegant look of this fish and the size it grows to make it a perfect candidate for a nice planted aquarium. They are often overlooked as juveniles due to their full colours but the Odessa barb truly ages like a fine wine in the aquarium as it matures.
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Odessa Barb
The Odessa barb is a highly underrated species that is honestly such a stunning fish once it establishes in the aquarium. the simplistic but elegant look of this fish and the size it grows to make it a perfect candidate for a nice planted aquarium. They are often overlooked as juveniles due to their full colours but the Odessa barb truly ages like a fine wine in the aquarium as it matures. This species of barb is also a super hardy fish that can thrive in a range of temperatures and water parameters which is why it is a great beginner option.
The Odessa barb does not have a crazy colour palette but a school of these fish can singlehandedly be all that’s required in a planted aquarium. They have an almost gun metal grey body colour with a streak of metallic red that starts with their eye and ends in the tail. There are also highlights of black on the scales that create a netting effect on the body which just adds an additional contrast. Odessa barbs are a species which thrives in cooler waters as low as 14 degrees but can also do fine in tropical environments as well. This means they would be a great consideration in outdoor ponds to add some fast activity and colour as well. In an aquarium, the reds of this fish will contrast amazingly against green plants, this can further be enhanced by increasing the red spectrum in aquarium lighting.
Odessa barbs go get slightly larger in size compared to other similar-looking barb species as these fish will reach around 10 cm. Breeding these is possible in the home aquarium as well. females will scatter eggs through fine-leafed plants which males will then fertilise. If you are looking to intentionally breed these fish, then it would be best to have them in a bare-bottom tank with a few interchangeable spawning mops which can be taken out to rear the eggs and subsequently fry. Odessa barbs have a pretty limited native range and are pretty much only found in central Myanmar.
Tank Recommendations for Odessa Barb
Being a small and relatively easy to care for fish the Odessa barb can be kept in smaller aquariums with the minimum being 70 litres. This aquarium size allows for a decent school of these barbs as the standalone fish however a larger aquarium will be required to keep these fish in a community tank setting. Odessa barbs can show some fin-nipping tendencies but this can be diffused by having a school of 5 or more fish. Due to their open water behaviour, the substrate or hardscape choices are not of major concern.
Suitable Tank Buddies
The Odessa barb is a peaceful fish with no real issues with aggression but in smaller groups, they can be slight fin nippers so care should be taken.
Usually Compatible
Tiger barbs, black neon tetras, paradise fish, giant danios and similar species.
Sometimes Compatible
Betta, fantail goldfish and other fish species with long, flowing fins have a slight risk of being pestered by odessa barbs.
Rarely Compatible
Any species which would prey on the Odessa barb like convict cichlids or Oscars.
Feeding your Odessa Barb
Odessa barbs are a very easy fish to feed. They will take a wide range of pellets, flakes and frozen foods. Just like any fish though they should be fed a varied diet with a mix of different foods.
The ideal diet would be a good quality micro slow-sinking pellet or crushed flake, supplemented with frozen bloodworms or black worms or even live foods like baby brine shrimp or micro worms.
Scientific Name | Puntius Ticto |
Care Level | Easy |
Common Names | Odessa Barb |
Diet | Omnivore |
Fish Family | Cyprinidae |
Lifespan (years) | 5 |
Max. Length (cm) | 10 |
Min. Tank Volume (l) | 70 Liters |
Origin | Myanmar |
Reef Safe | Yes |
Sociability | Peaceful |
Venomous | No |
Water Conditions | 14-26° C, pH 6.5-7.0 |
0Hi, do these come unsexed or just males?Read Detail
Submited by: Dan
03 Nov 2020
Hi Dan, The Odessa Barb come unsexedAnswered by Admin on 03 Nov 2020
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