Neon Blue - Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis

Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis Neon Blue 5cm

Chalinochromis brichardi

Brichardi 7cm

Apistogramma Borelli Opal

Borelli Opal 3cm

Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis Neon Blue 5cm

Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis

The Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis, also known as the neon blue cichlid, is a beautiful species and underrated species of cichlid native to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa. These are vibrant, peaceful, and unique-shaped fish when compared to larger-bodied cichlids. These would be fantastic fish to keep in a medium-sized, species-only display aquarium or a great species to add some life to a Tanganyikan biotope. Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis will also make for a great breeding project for experienced fish breeders who are chasing a fun and new challenge.

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Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis Neon Blue

The Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis, also known as the neon blue cichlid, is a beautiful species and underrated species of cichlid native to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa. These are vibrant, peaceful, and unique-shaped fish when compared to larger-bodied cichlids. These would be fantastic fish to keep in a medium-sized, species-only display aquarium or a great species to add some life to a Tanganyikan biotope. Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis will also make for a great breeding project for experienced fish breeders who are chasing a fun and new challenge.

Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis have a streamlined, sardine-like body shape and can grow up to 10 cm in length. These species have a rustic orange body colour which only gets deeper in colour with age, the most contrasting aspect of these fish is the streaks of neon blue that travel across the lateral line and fins. When mature these cichlids almost look like they are glowing, the sharp dorsal, caudal and ventral fins along with the pointed face give this fish a torpedo look. One of the great things about these African cichlids is they spend a lot of time in the open water column, in the wild they are found right on the edge of rocky outcrops where they only flee for cover in the event of a threat. This is one of the reasons why a large group of these fish in a big tank is simply stunning.

Breeding Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis can be a bit challenging, but it is possible with the right conditions. Males will form territories and display to females by showing off their vibrant colours and flashing their fins. Females will tend to have less orange and minimal intensity in the blue streaks. These are a mouthbrooding cichlid where the female lays eggs and then takes them in her mouth. The male proceeds to fertilise the eggs and the female will release the fully formed fry.

Tank Recommendations for your Paracyprichomis Nigripinnis

Whilst these fish only reach around 11 cm, the ideal tank size for Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis is at least 200 litres. The reason for this is that these fish do need to be kept in groups but can also be quite territorial. The tank should be decorated with plenty of rocks, caves, and hiding spots to mimic their natural habitat. Sand is the best substrate for this species as they love to dig and sift through it. The water parameters for these Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis should be kept at a pH of 8.0-8.5, with a water temperature of 24-26°C.

Suitable Tank Buddies

When they are given adequate space, the Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis is a relatively peaceful fish however they can be quite territorial especially when breeding. They are best kept in a species-only tank or with other Tanganyikan cichlids of similar size and temperament.

Usually Compatible

Tanganyikan cichlids of similar size and temperament such as Julidochromis, Neolamprologus, and Altolamprologus.

Sometimes Compatible

Smaller species like shell dwellers in a deep tank should not face direct aggression from the Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis. Larger African cichlids like Tropheus or Frontosa can also be considered however territorial disputes may rise as well.

Rarely Compatible

Avoid keeping Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis with aggressive or larger fish species that may bully or harm them. It is also not recommended to keep them with fish that have a similar body shape or coloration as they may mistake them for potential rivals.

Feeding your Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis

In the wild, Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis feeds on small crustaceans and zooplankton. In the aquarium, they can be fed a variety of foods including high-quality flakes, small slow-sinking pellets, and frozen foods such as brine shrimp, krill, and daphnia. Feeding high-protein foods such as bloodworms should be avoided as it can lead to potential bloating issues.

More Information
Scientific Name Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis
Care Level Hard
Common Names Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis, Neon Blue Cichlid
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 7
Max. Length (cm) 11
Min. Tank Volume (l) 200
Origin Australia
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-28° C, pH 7.5-8.5
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