Neolamprologus Six Bar Gold

Neolamprologus Six Bar Gold 4cm

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Neolamprologus Six Bar Gold 4cm

Neolamprologus sexfasciatus
The Gold Six Bar cichlid is an absolutely stunning, medium size cichlid from Lake Tanganyika known for its colour, stocky nature, and unique rock-dwelling behaviour. These are a rarer cichlid to come by in Australia but will be a great showpiece cichlid or make for a great breeding project for aquarists who would like to experience the full cycle of these fish.
Availability: Out of stock

Neolamprologus Gold Six Bar

The Gold Six Bar cichlid is an absolutely stunning, medium size cichlid from Lake Tanganyika known for its colour, stocky nature, and unique rock-dwelling behaviour. These are a rarer cichlid to come by in Australia but will be a great showpiece cichlid or make for a great breeding project for aquarists who would like to experience the full cycle of these fish.

The Gold Six Bar Cichlid is named for its six distinct black vertical stripes that run along its elongated, golden-yellow body. The metallic gold body colour reflects light amazingly especially under warmer tones which further accentuates them. The fins also are rimmed with a bright neon blue with slight green highlights creating a very dynamic and almost marine-looking fish. These fish can reach up to 15 cm but more importantly have a very stocky appearance making them look almost like a grouper, coupled with their territorial nature they are a perfect monster fish alternative for aquarists limited on space.

Neolamprologus Sexfasciatus are known for their territorial and somewhat aggressive nature, particularly during breeding. They are rock dwellers, often seen darting in and out of crevices and caves in search of food or defending their territory. Breeding in captivity is achievable with the right conditions. Males will establish a territory and court females through displays of fin flaring and body shaking. Once the female lays eggs in a secluded cave or crevice, the male fertilises them, and both parents guard the eggs and fry diligently.

Tank Recommendations for your Neolamprologus Gold Six Bar
A tank of at least 200 litres is recommended to provide adequate space for the Six-Stripe Cichlid's active and territorial behaviour. The aquarium should be decorated with plenty of rocks, caves, and hiding spots to mimic their natural habitat and to help reduce aggression. Since these cichlids spend a lot of time near the bottom of the aquarium it is best to ensure there is a decent footprint. These are also tropical fish which are best kept at 24-26 degrees.

Suitable Tank Buddies for your Neolamprologus Gold Six Bar
Six-stripe cichlids are best kept with other similarly sized and temperamentally compatible cichlids. Since these fish require a higher PH of around 8 the tank mates chosen should be adaptable to this.

Usually Compatible
Other similar sized african cichlids such as lepidiolamprologus species, polystigma, frontosa and lion head cichlids.

Sometimes Compatible
Smaller Mbuna species and other larger but somewhat peaceful African cichlids like Mdoka whitelips.

Rarely Compatible
Aggressive African cichlid species like fuscodichromis and South American cichlids like oscars or jaguar cichlids.

Feeding your Gold Six Bar
Six bar gold cichlids will take to aquarium foods very easily. These are mostly carnivorous fish so feeding them a sinking pellet will give them the bulk of their nutritional needs. This can be supplemented with some frozen foods like Mysis shrimp or krill which will also act as a natural colour enhancer.

More Information
Scientific Name Neolamprologus sexfasciatus
Care Level Moderate
Common Names Six-Stripe Cichlid, Six Bar Gold cichlid, Sexfasciatus Cichlid
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 10
Max. Length (cm) 15
Min. Tank Volume (l) 200
Origin Africa
Reef Safe No
Sociability Semi-aggressive
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C, pH 7.0-8.5
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