Medaka Platinum

Medaka Platinum 3cm

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Medaka Platinum 3cm

Oryzias Latipes
100% of 100

Medaka also known as ricefish is quickly rising to be a popular aquarium fish. These adorable nano fish are incredibly hardy, cold-water tolerant, and come in an assortment of colours through the art of selective breeding. They would be an ideal beginner fish because of these reasons and are even kept in outdoor ponds in the colder regions of Australia, all year round.  

Availability: In stock

Platinum Medaka

Medaka also known as ricefish is quickly rising to be a popular aquarium fish. These adorable nano fish are incredibly hardy, cold-water tolerant, and come in an assortment of colours through the art of selective breeding. They would be an ideal beginner fish because of these reasons and are even kept in outdoor ponds in the colder regions of Australia, all year round.  


The platinum medaka seems to be the most common or popular of the medaka colour variations. They very closely resemble their name ‘rice fish’ since the platinum white medaka looks like long grains of rice. They have a wonderful platinum white colour from head to tail with shiny metallic scales across the top of their body. Its body shape is very easily comparable with the tropical guppy however the Medaka is far more underrated and in most cases much more beginner-friendly! 


The Platinum medaka will max out at a size of 4cm. Much like their beautiful colours these fish also have a beautiful, peaceful personality and would be really different addition to any community aquarium. Telling the difference between males and females is difficult in medaka as they do not have any immediate distinguishing factors. When breeding though the female will carry her eggs on the outside of her body for a short time until the male fertilizes them, she will then attach them to a soft or leafy surface which is a truly unique behavior to these fish. Wild medaka can be found in the cold rivers of Japan.


Tank Recommendations for your Platinum Medaka

The platinum medaka is a very active little fish and would be fine in a tank that is 37 liters. A larger aquarium would be ideal as these fish do best kept in groups and the larger volume will allow for other tank mates. 


These fish are not fussy at all when it comes to the substrate but will really love a densely planted aquarium. This would also ensure that if the fish end up breeding which is highly likely, the fry has a good chance of surviving.

A really great aquarium setting for these fish would be to have a black tank background, bright green plants, and an aquarium light with an increased blue spectrum that will really showcase the pearl white colour of this medaka strain.


Suitable Tank Buddies

The platinum medaka is a very peaceful species that is best suited to be kept with small community fish. 


Usually Compatible

Small community fish like neon tetras, ember tetras or rasboras, and even livebearers like guppies.


Sometime Compatible

Anabantoid species such as bettas, gouramis, and species of a similar sort. These species offer a risk of predating on small medaka or out-competing them. 


Rarely Compatible

Aggressive species such as convict cichlids or kribensis will certainly end up preying on the medaka


Feeding your Platinum Medaka

The platinum medaka much like most small aquarium fish is very easy to feed. They are an opportunistic surface feeder and will take to a wide range of prepared aquarium foods.  


Their diet should contain good quality micro floating pellets with frozen food that have the high protein such as bloodworm, brine shrimp, and daphnia. This feeding can simply occur once a day. 

More Information
Scientific Name Oryzias Latipes
Care Level Easy
Common Names Platinum Medaka, Platinum ricefish, Youkihi ricefish, Youkihi Medaka
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Adrianichthyidae
Lifespan (years) 2
Max. Length (cm) 4
Min. Tank Volume (l) 37 Litres
Origin Japan
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 18-26° C, pH 7.0-8.0
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