Male Dwarf Gourami

Male Dwarf Gourami 5cm

Male Coral Blue Dwarf Gourami

Male Dwarf Coral Blue Gourami 5cm

Male Flame Dwarf Gourami

Male Flame Dwarf Gourami 5cm

Male Dwarf Gourami 5cm

Trichogaster Lalia
99% of 100

The Male Dwarf Gourami, is arguably the most popular gourami species in the world. It is a vibrantly coloured and fascinating species cherished by aquarium enthusiasts for its personable but peaceful nature. These are also fish that only get to a maximum size of around 8cm which makes them a fantastic species for nano aquariums and is often the first centrepiece display fish for beginner aquarists.

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Male Dwarf Gourami


The Male Dwarf Gourami, is arguably the most popular gourami species in the world. It is a vibrantly coloured and fascinating species cherished by aquarium enthusiasts for its personable but peaceful nature. These are also fish that only get to a maximum size of around 8cm which makes them a fantastic species for nano aquariums and is often the first centrepiece display fish for beginner aquarists.

The Male Dwarf Gourami displays a unique tiger-like striped patterning of contrasting colours. These are fish that looks exactly the same in person as they do in photos which goes to show how bright they are. When fully mature they sport a striking combination of vivid blue and bold red-orange stripes that run from just after the gill plate all the way to the tail. The stripes are however broken giving a very unique pattern. The body shape of these fish is also quite oval which makes them display their colours quite well. 

The Male Dwarf Gourami is a bubble-nest breeder, a trait shared by a few other related species like betta and paradise fish. Once the female lays fertilized eggs, the male deposits the eggs into the bubble nest and then guards the fry until they are free swimming. These will make for a fantastic breeding project and something different from the typical betta.


Tank Recommendations for your Male Dwarf Gourami

These Gouramis thrive best in tanks with a minimum size of 70 litres. They prefer a well-planted environment with slow-moving water, so using a gentle filter is advised. The tank should have a combination of open swimming space and cover in the form of live plants, driftwood, and caves just so the gourami have places of refuge. The ideal water temperature ranges between 22-28°C, with a pH level of 6.0-7.0. 


Suitable tank buddies

The Male Dwarf Gourami is generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of tank mates as long as they are not overly aggressive or large.


Usually compatible

Smaller tetras, rasboras, danios, peaceful barbs, catfish, and other similarly-sized peaceful species. 


Sometimes Compatible

Other gourami species and mildly aggressive fish. Fin nippers such as tiger barbs are also better to be avoided. It is crucial to monitor their behaviour to ensure they are not stressed or harassed. 


Rarely Compatible

Large, aggressive, or territorial species such are fire-mouth cichlids. The Male Dwarf Gourami might be bullied, eaten, or outcompeted for food.  


Feeding your Male Dwarf Gourami 

Golden pencil fish should take to food quite easily however they require minimal food. Their mouth is best shaped to eat small works, and their diet can easily consist of a nano pellet or flake, white worms, microworms, and even black worms. 

More Information
Scientific Name Trichogaster Lalia
Care Level Easy
Common Names Dwarf Gourami, Neon Gourami
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Osphronemidae
Lifespan (years) 4
Max. Length (cm) 8
Min. Tank Volume (l) 70 Liters
Origin Peru, South Asia
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-28° C, pH 6.5 - 7.0
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