Jaguar Cichlid

Jaguar Cichlid 5cm

Lamprologus Lemairii

Lemairii 5cm

Chilotilapia Rhoadesii

Chilotilapia Rhoadesii 3.5cm

Jaguar Cichlid 5cm

Parachromis managuensis

Known as one of the most aggressive cichlid species in the aquarium industry the Jaguar cichlid is a true predator fish. Named after the South American big cat, the jaguar cichlid both reflect the big cat in behavior and colors. Jaguar cichlids have a very unique brown and dark green color with black patterning through the body.

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Jaguar Cichlid

Known as one of the most aggressive cichlid species in the aquarium industry the Jaguar cichlid is a true predator fish. Named after the South American big cat, the jaguar cichlid both reflect the big cat in behavior and colors. Jaguar cichlids have a very unique brown and dark green color with black patterning through the body. They also have a distinct purple shimmer to them which makes them stand out great under aquarium lighting. The jaguar cichlid is a large growing fish reaching around 40 cm in length (close to 1.5 feet) but they also get incredibly stocky. They are also very aggressive fish often showing extreme territorial behavior and are best kept alone or with large and aggressive South American cichlids in a big tank. Jaguar cichlids breed very easily in aquarium usually digging a pit or laying eggs on a smooth, flat surface. Male jaguar cichlids are larger in size in comparison to females. Females will have thin vertical bars and a pronounced dark broken horizontal bar. The wild habitat of jaguar cichlids is quite widespread throughout South America.


Tank Recommendations for your Jaguar cichlid

The Jaguar cichlid is is a very territorial fish that needs a tank that is at least 125 gallons (470 liters) and around 4 feet minimum width. Sand or small gravel substrate is fine for jaguar cichlids but for the aquascape overall it would be best to have large pieces of driftwood which create visual blocks and territorial areas for the cichlid. Large smooth river stones would also be a good addition to add a more natural look. 


Suitable Tank Buddies

The Jaguar cichlid is very aggressive and a large growing fish meaning it should only be kept with similar tank mates. Large South American species would be best. Usually, jaguar cichlids are best kept alone. 


Usually Compatible

Large growing aquarium species such as Oscars, Red Devils, and black sharks. These species are equally aggressive and large enough to where they can hold their own against any possible fights with a jaguar cichlid. However extreme caution should be taken.


Rarely Compatible

Shrimp and nano aquarium fish like neon tetras, ember tetras, and large but peaceful South American cichlids such as Uaru or Severums. 


Feeding your Jaguar Cichlid

Jaguar Cichlids are by far one of the easiest fish to feed. It is an opportunistic hunter and will readily eat a wide range of foods being both dry, fresh, and frozen. Their diet should contain good quality floating or sinking pellets with high protein content. This should be supplemented with frozen foods such as bloodworms. Feeding should occur once a day and it is best to do so during the day.

More Information
Scientific Name Parachromis managuensis
Care Level Hard
Common Names Jaguar Cichlid, Jag cichlid, Managuensis Cichlid
Diet Carnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 15
Max. Length (cm) 40
Min. Tank Volume (l) 470 Litres
Origin Africa
Reef Safe No
Sociability Aggressive
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C (75.2-79° F), pH 6.5-7.0
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