Indian Banded Gourami 5cm
The Indian banded gourami is a beautiful, simple, and elegant fish that almost looks like a hybrid between a blue flame gourami and a paradise fish. These are harder to acquire gourami but are still pretty affordable and will be stunning fish to add into a peaceful community tank or even an Asian fish biotope tank.
Indian Banded Gourami
The Indian banded gourami is a beautiful, simple, and elegant fish that almost looks like a hybrid between a blue flame gourami and a paradise fish. These are harder to acquire gourami but are still pretty affordable and will be stunning fish to add into a peaceful community tank or even an Asian fish biotope tank.
Indian banded gourami is a naturally occurring fish and is a very neat balance between being simple and colourful. The base body colour starts off as a golden bronze colour from the face and transitions into a light powder blue from the midway point. all the fins aside from the caudal have a bright, thin red rim that stands out from the bluefin colour. The most recognizable feature of this fish is the tiger-like stripes of orange and blue that start just after the ventral fin and end at the tail. Indian gourami is very easy to care for fish and is almost identical in care to the more common, smaller species. The best temperature range would be between 24 - 26 degrees and a PH range of 6.0 - 7.0.
Just like any other gourami species, breeding these fish is possible as males and females can be easily distinguished. Males grow to a larger size with deeper colours and longer fins, they will make a bubble nest and deposit the eggs released by the females into this nest. The fry can then be raised in a separate aquarium once they reach the free-swimming stage.
Tank Recommendations for your Indian Banded Gourami
As the Indian banded gourami remains fairly small at 8 cm, it is best to keep a pair or small colony of 5 fish in a minimum aquarium volume of 70 liters. They can be slightly territorial in smaller environments so it is better to keep them in a larger aquarium if tank mates are considered.
Indian banded gourami will love dense plants in the aquarium, these fish naturally come from vegetation-heavy, slow-moving water so replicating this in the home aquarium is ideal. The substrate or hardscape choices are not a major consideration however as these fish often spend their time in the top to mid-water column.
Suitable Tank Buddies
Just like other gourami species, the Indian banded gourami can be slightly territorial in smaller spaces which should be considered. Aside from this, they can be kept with a range of peaceful fish.
Usually Compatible
Honey gourami, goldfish, white clouds, zebra danios, and similar tropical species.
Sometimes Compatible
Betta may get agitated by a similar large-finned species and any fin nippers such as rosy barbs which could pester and damage the fins of the Indian banded gourami.
Rarely Compatible
Large or aggressive species may predate on the Indian banded gourami. These are fish that may also eat shrimp.
Feeding your Indian Banded Gourami
Indian banded gourami will take you to a range of aquarium foods. Just like any easy-to-care-for aquarium fish they will eat pellets, flake, frozen, and invertebrate-based live food like black worms.
Scientific Name | Trichogaster fasciata |
Care Level | Easy |
Common Names | Indian banded gourami |
Diet | Carnivore |
Fish Family | Osphronemidae |
Lifespan (years) | 40 |
Max. Length (cm) | 5 |
Min. Tank Volume (l) | 40 |
Origin | East Asia |
Reef Safe | Yes |
Sociability | Peaceful |
Venomous | No |
Water Conditions | 10-26° C, pH 6.0-7.0 |