Golden Dwarf Cichlid

Golden Dwarf Cichlid 3.5cm

Flowerhorn Super Red Dragon

Super Red Dragon Flowerhorn 9cm

Golden Dwarf Cichlid

Golden Dwarf Cichlid 4.5cm

Golden Dwarf Cichlid 3.5cm

Nanacara anomala

The golden dwarf cichlid is a beautiful, small growing and peaceful river-dwelling African cichlid that makes for a great alternative to the more common South American Apistogramma. Whilst African cichlids are always known as high PH-loving, lake cichlids, the golden dwarf cichlid basically has the same care requirements as a South American species due to its river-dwelling life. This will make for a great nano showpiece cichlid or a fantastic breeding project since these fish can breed fairly easily in captivity.

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Golden Dwarf Cichlid

The golden dwarf cichlid is a beautiful, small growing and peaceful river-dwelling African cichlid that makes for a great alternative to the more common South American Apistogramma. Whilst African cichlids are always known as high PH-loving, lake cichlids, the golden dwarf cichlid basically has the same care requirements as a South American species due to its river-dwelling life. This will make for a great nano showpiece cichlid or a fantastic breeding project since these fish can breed fairly easily in captivity.


Growing to a maximum of 7 cm the golden dwarf cichlid is an absolutely adorable fish. As their name suggests, these fish will develop a metallic gold sheen but this can actually range between green, blue and gold. Unfortunately, the vibrant colours are reserved for males only however part of the fun when keeping this species is to see how the males and females interact with one another. Males will also have an electric blue rim on the dorsal fin which ends in a red tip. Females on the other hand have a far more earthy colour with a range of browns, blacks and greys but still make for a beautiful fish in their own regard. The other great thing about these fish is their round and fairly robust shape even for such a small fish. They look incredibly adorable as they dart in and out of caves and the aquascape whilst they interact with their environment. 

As mentioned, it's quite easy to sex these fish but it's best to start off with a small group of at least 5-6 and let a pair naturally form. From here it is best to only keep a single pair in smaller aquariums however any tank size over 4 feet isn’t a major concern. The parents will breed and lay eggs in a reclusive part of the aquarium which is then guarded until the fry are free swimming. For best success, it’s recommended to keep these fish in a species-specific breeding tank. 


Tank Recommendations for your Golden Dwarf Cichlid

The golden dwarf cichlid only needs a tank of around 70 litres as they are small growing fish. This makes them great for smaller community aquariums or to just show off a breeding pair of them. A sand substrate is advisable as these cichlids actively will sift through the sand looking for food. They will also appreciate hiding areas around small pieces of driftwood, and rock caves and they will love a densely planted aquarium as well which can really assist when looking to breed these fish. This species is most active during the day when the lights are on. 


Suitable Tank Buddies

The golden dwarf cichlid is quite peaceful with mild aggression only ever coming out during breeding. With adequate space, these fish will get along with a wide range of community fish.


Usually Compatible

Tetras, gouramis, corydoras, angelfish, cherry barbs and common community fish species.


Sometime Compatible

Other territorial dwarf cichlids such as rams. Any incredible nano fish like endlers or medaka may pose a risk addition. Though adult fish may not be eaten, any fry will for sure become a meal. 


Rarely Compatible 

Shrimp and large aggressive species such as African cichlids, Oscars and Jaguar cichlids.


Feeding your Golden Dwarf Cichlid

Golden dwarf cichlids will easily consume aquarium foods and have a voracious appetite. Naturally, they are carnivores and prefer meaty foods. They will consume a wide range of dry and frozen foods. Their diet should contain good quality sinking pellets or flakes and be supplemented with frozen food that has high protein such as bloodworm, brine shrimp and daphnia.

More Information
Scientific Name Nanacara anomala
Care Level Moderate
Common Names Golden Dwarf Cichlids, Nannacara anomala, anomala cichlids
Diet Carnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 7
Max. Length (cm) 7
Min. Tank Volume (l) 70 Litres
Origin South America
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C, pH 6.0-7.0
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