Giant Gold Panchax

Giant Gold Panchax 4cm

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Giant Gold Panchax 4cm

Aplocheilus Lineatus Var. Gold
90% of 100

If you are looking for a larger growing, peaceful and colourful top-dwelling fish, then the giant gold panchax would be a perfect consideration. These vibrant fish spend almost all of their time right below the water's surface and have a body shape which is very similar to the highly coveted Asian Arowana. Though they are called giant panchax, these fish reach around only reach around 10 cm which is actually pretty large by community aquarium fish standards. They also make for a great breeding project as well for aquarium fish breeders that are looking for the next fun project. 

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Giant Gold Panchax


If you are looking for a larger growing, peaceful and colourful top-dwelling fish, then the giant gold panchax would be a perfect consideration. These vibrant fish spend almost all of their time right below the water's surface and have a body shape which is very similar to the highly coveted Asian Arowana. Though they are called giant panchax, these fish reach around only reach around 10 cm which is actually pretty large by community aquarium fish standards. They also make for a great breeding project as well for aquarium fish breeders that are looking for the next fun project. 

Gold panchax is surprisingly underrated given how vibrant these fish are. As juveniles they can be somewhat grey however as these fish mature, they develop a deep, metallic gold colouration which is quite unique to the panchax. This gold colour is most vibrant near the belly section of the giant gold panchax but this leads to a lime green colour in the fins. This is lastly contrasted by a red rim on the tail fin which adds a nice break to the bright yellow and green. Gold panchax is also a member of the killifish family and whilst a lot of killifish only have a 1-year lifespan, these fish can live up to 4 years which makes this species a great showpiece in a community aquarium. 

Breeding these fish is relatively easy as males and females can be easily distinguished. Males are far more vibrant in colour compared to females and also tend to be larger in size. Golden panchax is an egg-scattering fish and will actually lay eggs on a daily basis. Aquarists will usually make spawning mops which are placed into the tank, females will deposit eggs into these mops as it resembles a fine-leafed plant. The mop can then be removed and placed into a dedicated breeding tank from where the fry can be raised.   


Tank Recommendations for your Giant Gold Panchax

As the giant golden panchax only reaches around 10 cm, an adult pair of these fish can easily be kept in a tank of around 70 litres. They will however thrive in larger aquariums and can even be kept in large shoals. As these fish are almost exclusively top-dwelling fish, the choice of substrate or hardscape is not a major consideration. They will love a well-planted aquarium but the main must is a well-fitting lid since these fish are notorious jumpers. Golden panchax is also a tropical fish which are best kept at 24-26 degrees.


Suitable Tank Buddies

Due to their extremely peaceful behaviour, giant golden panchax is great to include in community aquariums with other similar-sized and tempered fish.

Usually Compatible

Khuli loach, pygmy corydoras, maculata rasboras, neon tetras, angelfish, and other peaceful aquarium fish.  


Sometimes Compatible

Any incredible nano species like celestial pearl danios, endlers guppy, and similar species which may have a risk of being eaten or being outcompeted by the golden panchax. 

Rarely Compatible

Larger South American cichlids both aggressive and peaceful can easily outcompete Giant golden panchax. 


Feeding your Giant Gold Panchax

Gold Panchax will take you to aquarium foods very easily. They will take a wide range of floating pellets, flakes and frozen foods. Giving them a varied diet, it ensures that they have optimal nutrition.  

More Information
Scientific Name Aplocheilus Lineatus Var. Gold
Care Level Easy
Common Names Giant gold panchax, giant golden wonder panchax, gold killifish, golden wonder killifish
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Aplocheilidae
Lifespan (years) 4
Max. Length (cm) 10
Min. Tank Volume (l) 70 Liters
Origin India
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C, pH 6.5-7.5
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    Hi, say i wanted to buy a pair of Giant Gold Panchax. How am I positive that i will get a male and a female and not a male and a male?
    Submited by: Angus 07 Aug 2021
    • When ordering 2 or more the team try to send a gender mix where possible.

      We cannot 100% guarantee as it will depend on what is available when packing your order.

      If you order, you can email us your order number and we can pass a note to the dispatch team, they will do the best they can to fill the request.

      Answered by Admin on 06 Sep 2021
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