Tang Gem - Medium
The Gem Tang stands out because of its black body and head which is covered in bright white spots. Its tailfin is yellow with a clear trim on the edge. There is a spine on either side of its caudal peduncle. These erect when it is excited so be careful when handling it. It is one of the most prized marine fish in the aquarium trade. Juveniles tend to be lighter and do not develop the intensity of colour until they mature.
Gem Tang
The Gem Tang stands out because of its black body and head which is covered in bright white spots. Its tailfin is yellow with a clear trim on the edge. There is a spine on either side of its caudal peduncle. These erect when it is excited so be careful when handling it. It is one of the most prized marine fish in the aquarium trade. Juveniles tend to be lighter and do not develop the intensity of colour until they mature.
There are no reports of Gem Tang's breeding in an aquarium. In the wild, they scatter their eggs in open water. It is not possible to visually identify differences between the sexes.
The Gem Tang's native habitat is in the Western Indian Ocean. Around South Africa, Mozambique, and Madagascar. It inhabits waters up to 60 metres deep. It is often found around surge zones, and on reefs.
Tank Recommendations for Gem Tangs
The Gem Tang needs a tank that is at least 180 gallons (681 litres) capacity.
It can be housed in a reef or fish-only tank as long the tank is large enough. Gem Tangs need plenty of rockwork which offers hiding spaces in caves and crevices. Be sure that there is a good amount of open space for swimming too.
Good light lighting is also needed for this species. The most suitable tank is an established tank with plenty of macro and microalgae. Maintaining high-quality water is essential. This will help reduce incidents of marine white spots, which can occur if it gets stressed.
Suitable Tank Buddies
Gem Tangs are best co-habiting with similar-sized species of fish. However, housing them with other Tangs may cause problems. If attempting this, make sure all the Tangs are introduced at the same time.
Gem Tangs are territorial, but they can stay in a community tank with fish that don't have their territory. They are generally peaceful with most companions, only showing aggression towards family members.
Usually Compatible
Non-fin-nipping, peaceful tank mates are the most suitable companions for Gem Tangs. Suitable examples include Dartfish, Blennies, Assessors, and Gobies.
Sometime Compatible
Conspecifics need to be introduced to a tank at the same time, to avoid issues with aggression. Also monitor Batfish, Foxface/Rabbitfish, and Triggerfish.
Rarely Compatible
Avoid fish of a similar body shape, as Gem Tangs can become aggressive towards them. This includes other species of Tang such as the Zebrasoma genus. Slow movers such as Pipefish and Seahorses are unsuitable to co-habit with Gem Tangs.
Feeding Your Gem Tang
Gem Tangs are herbivores, but they will eat meaty foods that are placed in the tank for other fish. Most of its diet should include marine algae, nori, and other herbivorous products. Spirulina, broccoli, and vegetable flakes are all suitable. They should be fed 2-3 times per day.
Scientific Name | Zebrasoma Gemmatum |
Care Level | Moderate |
Common Names | Gem Tang, Gemmatum Tang, Spotted Tang, Mauritian Tang. |
Diet | Herbivore |
Fish Family | Acanthuridae |
Lifespan (years) | 10 |
Max. Length (cm) | 23 |
Min. Tank Volume (l) | 681 |
Origin | Western Indian Ocean. Around South Africa, Mozambique, and Madagascar. |
Reef Safe | Yes |
Sociability | Semi-aggressive |
Venomous | No |
Water Conditions | 22.2-25.5° C (72-78° F), dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025 |