Fire Gold Agassizi

Fire Gold Apistogramma Agassizii 5cm

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Copadichromis Borleyi - Nkanda 5cm

Fire Gold Apistogramma Agassizii 5cm

Apistogramma agassizii
100% of 100

The Apistogramma Agassizii has got to be one of the most popular dwarf cichlids in the world, they now come in a range of different colour strains as well through the art of selective breeding. One of the most classic and popular strains is the Fire Gold, this stunning fish has a much brighter colour palette when compared to the common apistogramma agassizii. The flame-like colours, peaceful behaviour, and great personality make this a fantastic fish to consider for smaller aquariums.

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Fire Gold Agassizi Apistogramma Agassizii


The Apistogramma Agassizii has got to be one of the most popular dwarf cichlids in the world, they now come in a range of different colour strains as well through the art of selective breeding. One of the most classic and popular strains is the Fire Gold, this stunning fish has a much brighter colour palette when compared to the common apistogramma agassizii. The flame-like colours, peaceful behaviour, and great personality make this a fantastic fish to consider for smaller aquariums.

The Fire gold agassizii gets its name from the saturated gold body colour it has which is sprinkled with reflective white scales. The fiery flare comes from the bright orange fins, this is especially pronounced on the tail and dorsal fin. The nape of this strain also has a very unique purple streak which adds some additional contrast. When the fire gold agassizii are small they tend to only have a light orange hue however the true vibrancy only appears when these fish mature. These would be the perfect breeding project or highlight centrepiece fish for a smaller community aquarium.

Trying to find the males and females in this species is possible and quite easy where adult males have bolder colours and more pointed dorsal fins, the intensity of these fin colours is also much stronger. Females have lighter-coloured body. The fire folds apistogramma may be shy when first introduced but will quickly become a loved personality as it flares and displays in the aquarium. Breeding these fish is also quite common where females lay eggs in a secluded location of the tank, males will then fertilise the eggs and safeguard the fry until they mature. Naturally, the wild colour Apistogramma agassizii habitat is South America.

Tank Recommendations for your Fire Gold Apistogramma Agassizii

The fire gold apistogramma agassizii white seam only needs a tank around with a volume of around 75 litres as they are a small growing fish they are considered to be smaller than most other Apistogramma species. This makes them great for nano community aquariums or to just show off a breeding pair. A sand substrate is advisable as these cichlids actively will sift through the sand looking for food. They will also appreciate hiding areas around small pieces of driftwood, rock caves and they will love a densely planted aquarium as well.

Suitable Tank Buddies

The apistogramma agassizii fire gold is quite peaceful with aggression only ever coming out during breeding. With adequate space, these fish will get along with a wide range of community fish.

Usually Compatible

Tetras, gouramis, corydoras, angelfish, cherry barbs, and common community fish species.

Sometime Compatible

Other Apistogramma species and dwarf cichlids such as rams and large peaceful cichlids such as uaru or Severums might outcompete for food.

Rarely Compatible

Shrimp and large aggressive species such as African cichlids, Oscars, and Jaguar cichlids.

Feeding your Apistogramma Agassizii Fire Gold

Being tank-bred the fire golds will easily consume aquarium foods. Naturally, they are carnivores and they will readily prefer meaty foods however will take to pellets, flake, frozen, and live foods as well. These food options should be fed on a varied basis to ensure the Apistogramma is getting a range of nutrition.


More Information
Scientific Name Apistogramma agassizii
Care Level Moderate
Common Names Apistogramma Fire Gold, Fire Gold agassizii
Diet Carnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 10
Max. Length (cm) 7
Min. Tank Volume (l) 75
Origin South America
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C, pH 5.0-7.0
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