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Emerald White Cloud 2cm

Tanichthys Micagemmae
EMERALD WHITE CLOUD Tanichthys micagemmae
Availability: Out of stock
  • Buy 10 for $7.90 each and save 20%
  • Buy 20 for $6.91 each and save 30%
Tanichthys micagemmae One of the most popular of all aquarium fish, White Clouds tolerate a wide range of temperatures and are ideal for both heated and unheated aquaria, and for outdoor water features. Very peaceful, they are best kept in a school as this gives the males a chance to try and outshine their rivals with impressive fin displays. They are not fussy about water conditions and eat most standard fish foods. Originally native to southern China (but now reputedly endangered in the wild), they grow to about 4cm. They breed readily and the young fish have a neon stripe.
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Scientific Name Tanichthys Micagemmae
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