Elephant Nose

Elephant Nose 10cm

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Elephant Nose 10cm

Gnathonemus Petersii
100% of 100
Elephant Nose fish are found in slow moving rivers and streams in West Africa. In an aquarium environment they are happy to feed on live blackworms or frozen bloodworms.
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Elephant Nose fish are found in slow moving rivers and streams in West Africa. They prefer small crustaceans and worms in the wild. In an aquarium environment live blackworms or frozen bloodworms, even some chopped up Earthworms form an essential part of a good diet.

They are not particularly fussy about water conditions but the following conditions would be ideal, · Temperature: 20°C - 26°C. · pH: 6.5 - 7.5 · General Hardness: 50 -150 ppm. The Elephant Nose is nocturnal by nature and as a result is seen to become more active at dusk. In aquarium it adjusts to day time feeding and displays well, even in the day. They can grow to about 20cm They are capable of emitting an electrical discharge; however, it is of such low intensity that it can’t be felt by humans.
More Information
Scientific Name Gnathonemus Petersii
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