Easy Life Fluid Filter Medium 250ml
Easy-Life Fluid Filter Medium 250ml
Easy-Life Fluid Filter Medium 250ML
Makes aquarium keeping easy! It is a completely new style of aquarium product, which actually affects the molecular structure of water using minerals, not chemicals. You can see it working as the water goes cloudy, then become Krystle clear.
We normally use it here right after a water change. Or if we have added a heap of new fish to a tank.
The benefits of Easy-Life
Eliminates and prevents stress
Makes water crystal clear
Removes heavy metals, ammonium, medication residue, pesticides, and other chemicals
Removes chlorine and chloramines
Protects the slime coat
Removes harmful bacteria
Assists healing wounds, sticky fins, fin rot, and inflammations
Accelerates growth of useful bacteria (aquariums mature faster)
Prevents algae build-up
Promotes breeding
Removes smells
Stimulates plant growth
Accelerates growth of young fry
Improves the opening and growth of corals
Makes biofilters perform better and last longer
Adds no chemical or biological substances to the water
Scientific Name | Medium 250ml |