Easy Balance Plus 250ml

Easy Balance Plus 250ml

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Easy Balance Plus 250ml


EasyBalance® Plus works to maintain healthy levels of essential aquarium water chemistry necessary to keep your fish happy and healthy. This easy-to-use formula regulates pH and alkalinity and reduces nitrates and phosphates. At the same time, EasyBalance Plus replenishes essential vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes for maximum aquarium health.

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How to maintain aquarium water without all the fuss! EasyBalance® Plus works to maintain healthy levels of essential aquarium water chemistry necessary to keep your fish happy and healthy. This easy-to-use formula regulates pH and alkalinity and reduces nitrates and phosphates. At the same time, EasyBalance Plus replenishes essential vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes for maximum aquarium health. One teaspoon treats 5 gallons.
Regular use of EasyBalance Plus reduces the need for water changes for up to 6 months.

  • Carbonate Hardness Additive – The appropriate amount of carbonate hardness is added to the aquarium water compensating for KH losses, which occur as a result of nitrification.
  • pH Stabilization – Stabilizes the pH value on a sufficiently high level, preventing a drop to biologically harmful levels (pH crash) and produces a certain amount of CO2 preventing excessive pH values.
  • Phosphate Removing Effect – In a standard aquarium (30gal) the phosphate concentration is reduced to zero during most of the 6-month period.
  • New Feature: Nitrate Reduction with Nitraban™ – Serves as a nutrient for denitrifying bacteria that consume the oxygen releasing nitrogen from the aquarium. On average the nitrate concentration will drop below 40mg/l.
  • Other Features Include – Production of Carbon Dioxide, the addition of trace elements, and replenishment of vitamin B.
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Scientific Name 250ML
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