Crystal Black Shrimp

Crystal Black Shrimp 2cm

Red Crystal Shrimp 2cm

Red Crystal Shrimp 2cm

Australian Amano Shrimp

Australian Amano Shrimp 2cm

Crystal Black Shrimp 2cm

Caridina cf. cantonensis

The Crystal Black Shrimp, also known as Black Bee Shrimp, are a captivating and fascinating species that bring life, colour, and a whole lot of fun to any planted or nano aquarium. These little invertebrates are very popular among shrimp keepers as the caridina shrimp, in general, tend to be more expert-oriented shrimp. These are certainly higher-priced shrimp and they often make for a great breeding-for-profit project. 


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Crystal Black Shrimp

The Crystal Black Shrimp, also known as Black Bee Shrimp, are a captivating and fascinating species that bring life, colour, and a whole lot of fun to any planted or nano aquarium. These little invertebrates are very popular among shrimp keepers as the caridina shrimp, in general, tend to be more expert-oriented shrimp. These are certainly higher-priced shrimp and they often make for a great breeding-for-profit project. 


The Crystal Black Shrimp only measure up to around 2.5 cm when fully grown.  This makes them perfect for smaller aquariums however they are incredibly striking creatures even at their small size. They sport a contrasting pattern of black and white stripes from head to tail that really stands out in any setting or substrate that these fish are placed in. There is a lot of genetic work that happens with breeding shrimp and aquarists have even developed a grading system that is based on the number, thickness, and boldness of the stripes. Working to create the most perfectly striped and coloured shrimp is a project that can take aquarists years to achieve.


Breeding Crystal Black shrimp is certainly possible in a home aquarium. These shrimps are not naturally found like this in the wild and are very much a strain developed in captivity. Males mount the female when both sexes are mature and fertilize the female. The mother then carries the eggs, which are initially green but turn to a dark brown colour just before hatching. The parents provide no care for the young, which are basically miniature replicas of the adults, and start fending for themselves right away. Triggering the breeding in these shrimps can sometimes be difficult as they are particularly sensitive to water parameters such as the total dissolved solids (TDS) and PH which is why aquarists often use rainwater or RODI and then remineralize the water with minerals to suit the shrimp. 


Tank Recommendations for your Crystal Black Shrimp

A tank of 40 liters is a good starting point for these shrimps, but they can also thrive in larger systems as well. These shrimp will enjoy a well-planted aquarium with hiding spots like caves and tunnels. Using a gentle but efficient filtration system would be perfect and a great cost-effective option is a sponge filter. Whilst adult shrimp can absolutely handle the faster flow, newborn shrimp can be weaker. The water temperature should be kept between 20-26°C with a pH level of 6.0-7.0.


Suitable Tank Buddies

Crystal Black Shrimps are peaceful and can coexist with a variety of small, non-aggressive tankmates.

Usually Compatible

Small, peaceful fish like Maculatus rasboras, Endler guppies, galaxy pearl danios, and similar nano species. 


Sometimes Compatible

Larger tetras, bettas, smaller gourami species, and other nano species which may nip at the shrimp. 


Rarely Compatible

Aggressive, predatory fish or large bottom dwellers, as may see the shrimp as a snack.


Feeding your Crystal Black Shrimp

Feeding Crystal Black shrimp is extremely easy as they only require small amounts of food and accept a wide range of food as well. Generally, a small sinking pellet or algae tablet is a great food option. Along with this, they can be supplemented with blanched veggies such as pumpkin and zucchini. 

More Information
Scientific Name Caridina cf. cantonensis
Care Level Moderate
Common Names Crystal Black Shrimp, Black Bee Shrimp
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Atyidae
Lifespan (years) 2
Max. Length (cm) 2.5
Min. Tank Volume (l) 40 Liters
Origin Asia
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 20-26° C, pH 6.0 - 7.0
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