Congo Tetra 4cm
Where most tetra species are often recognized for being fantastic South American fish, the Congo tetra opens a new perspective on African tetras. Congo tetras are very readily available and are often under-rated due to how they look like juveniles. But after letting these fish settle and grow out in an aquarium for a few months, they will look better than most tetras available in the aquarium trade. Getting to a robust size of around 8 cm, the Congo tetra has a beautiful array of colours primarily being the copper orange and powder blue stripes which begin at their head and fade into an amazing gradient.
They also have a great base tone of greens, silvers and look like they have been wrapped in tinfoil. The other mesmerizing thing on Congo tetras is their naturally flowing fins. Where most long fins like this on fish would be a product of line breeding the Congo Teras have these beautiful light grey fins with a white outline making the fish pop in an aquarium. In good aquarium lighting this fish really stands out and in large schools can be simply stunning.
- Buy 6 for $7.19 each and save 40%
Congo Tetra
Where most tetra species are often recognized for being fantastic South American fish, the Congo tetra opens a new perspective on African tetras. Congo tetras are very readily available and are often under-rated due to how they look like juveniles. But after letting these fish settle and grow out in an aquarium for a few months, they will look better than most tetras available in the aquarium trade. Getting to a robust size of around 8 cm, the Congo tetra has a beautiful array of colours primarily being the copper orange and powder blue stripes which begin at their head and fade into an amazing gradient.
They also have a great base tone of greens, silvers and look like they have been wrapped in tinfoil. The other mesmerizing thing on Congo tetras is their naturally flowing fins. Where most long fins like this on fish would be a product of line breeding the Congo Teras have these beautiful light grey fins with a white outline making the fish pop in an aquarium. In good aquarium lighting this fish really stands out and in large schools can be simply stunning.
They also offer a great option for aquarists who are looking to add some life to their African biotope aquariums or in a tank with larger growing fish like Severums of Uaru. They are also extremely hardy and easy to take care of due to their peaceful nature. They feel best when kept in schools of 6 as a minimum but ideally, 10 or more would be perfect. breeding these fish in captivity is an easy task as males and females are easily distinguishable. Males have long flowing fins and bright colours whereas the females are more silvery in nature with rounded fins. Congo tetras are egg scattering fish meaning the eggs can be harvested and reared in a fry aquarium.
Tank Recommendations for your Congo Tetra
Being a larger body tetra and incredibly active fish, the Congo tetra needs an aquarium that is at least 90 cm with a minimum volume of 100 litres. They are however easy to care for species. A sand or gravel substrate would be fine for these fish as well as a lot of plant growth which not only makes them contrast really well but also makes them more comfortable in the aquarium to swim out in the open. Congo tetras are soft water fish meaning they require a low PH. They can be kept in PH as low as 6 and will even look stunning in a blackwater aquarium setting with warm lighting which will really accentuate their orange and blue stripe.
Suitable Tank Buddies
The Congo Tetra is an extremely peaceful fish that displays little to no aggression at all to other species. Males may often have small spars with each other which is just them storing out a hierarchy however this is harmless.
Usually Compatible
Angelfish, apistogramma, rams, Corydoras, Severums, Uaru and large peaceful cichlids.
Sometimes Compatible
Due to their flowing fins, any fin nipping species should be avoided and semi-aggressive species such as convict cichlids, kribensis cichlids and similar medium-sized cichlids.
Rarely Compatible
Large and aggressive species such as oscars, jaguar cichlids and similar species may predate on the Congo tetra.
Feeding your Congo tetra
Congo tetras are very easy to fish to feed. They will take a wide range of pellets, flakes and frozen foods. Just like any fish though they should be fed a varied diet with a mix of different foods. The ideal diet would be a good quality floating or slow sinking pellet or flake, supplemented with frozen bloodworms, blackworms or even live foods like baby brine shrimp or micro worms.
Scientific Name | Phenacrogrammus Interruptus |
Care Level | Easy |
Common Names | Congo Tetra |
Diet | Omnivore |
Fish Family | Alestidae |
Lifespan (years) | 5 |
Max. Length (cm) | 8.5 |
Min. Tank Volume (l) | 100 Liters |
Origin | Africa |
Reef Safe | Yes |
Sociability | Peaceful |
Venomous | No |
Water Conditions | 24-26° C (75-79° F), pH 6.0-7.0 |