Apistogramma Cacatuoides

Apistogramma Cacatuoides 3cm

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Apistogramma Cacatuoides 3cm

Apistogramma Cacatuoides

The Orange Cacatuoides Cichlid, is a beautiful, vibrant, and captivating choice for those who want to add a splash of colour to their aquariums. Their bright orange tones and the flared, pointed fins are truly striking for such a small fish. These are also a great entry-level dwarf cichlid and perfect display fish for smaller aquariums and are often the first apistogramma species aquarists keep because of all their amazing features.

was $28.44 Special Price $17.05
Availability: In stock

Apistogramma Cacatuoides

The Orange Cacatuoides Cichlid, is a beautiful, vibrant, and captivating choice for those who want to add a splash of colour to their aquariums. Their bright orange tones and the flared, pointed fins are truly striking for such a small fish. These are also a great entry-level dwarf cichlid and perfect display fish for smaller aquariums and are often the first apistogramma species aquarists keep because of all their amazing features.

These cichlids average a size of 8 cm for males, with females staying a bit smaller. Males are particularly spectacular, boasting an intense fiery orange colouration, extended finnage, and a well-defined lateral line that adds depth to their appearance. The ‘volcanic’ appearance these fish have is even more apparent when they flare their fins and display the mottled black patterning which looks like pieces of solidified rock in a pool of lava. The females, although less brightly coloured, also showcase a lovely orange hue. Apistogramma cacatuoides also come in a range of captive-bred strains like double reds and even triple reds which all look fantastic but for the aquarists looking for a natural fish, then these would be the way to go.

Breeding Cacatuoides cichlids is a rewarding experience. These fish are cave spawners, with the female taking care of the eggs and fry while the male guards the territory. After the eggs are laid and fertilized, they will hatch in about 3-4 days, and the fry will become free swimming in another 5-7 days. Parents both do care and guard the fry which is why these fish make for such a great beginner breeding species in the cichlid world.

Tank Recommendations for your Cacatuoides
A minimum tank size of 70 litres is recommended for these dwarf cichlids. Provide a soft, sandy substrate and plenty of hiding spots, including caves, rocks, and driftwood. Live plants, such as Java fern or Anubias, can be added for additional cover. The water temperature should be maintained between 23-29°C, with a pH level of 5.0-7.0.

Suitable Tank Buddies
The Apistogramma Cacatuoides is generally peaceful and can be housed with a variety of small, non-aggressive tankmates.

Usually Compatible
Small tetras, rasboras, corydoras, otocinclus, and other community fish.

Sometimes Compatible
Mildly aggressive fish like larger barbs or some dwarf cichlids might cause long-term stress for the Apistogramma.

Rarely Compatible
Large, aggressive fish species, like convicts or predatory fish such as Oscars, may harass or even eat the smaller orange cacatuoides

Feeding your Orange Cacatuoides
The Orange Cacatuoides cichlid is an omnivorous species and will accept a wide range of foods. Providing a varied diet of high-quality sinking pellets, frozen or live foods like brine shrimp, black worms, and bloodworms would be ideal for optimum health.

More Information
Scientific Name Apistogramma Cacatuoides
Care Level Easy
Common Names Orange Cacatuoides, Orange Flash Apistogramma
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 8
Min. Tank Volume (l) 70
Origin South America
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-29° C, pH 5.0-7.0
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    I'm interested in buying a pair of Apistogramma Cacatuoides, I'm really looking for a male and female pair is this possible when buying from this site ?
    Submited by: Kelsey 30 Sep 2022
    • Hi, You can email your request to our customer support team directly at info@livefish.com.au. Please note, fish come to us un-sexed, and are shipped out at random, but mix a good mix being packed for each order is always attempted. We will certainly try to fill a request for you, but this can come down to what type of fish, the size and what is available at the time of packing your order. The best chance is to order a group (specially for the smaller juvenile fish).
      Answered by Admin on 25 Oct 2022
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