Black Neon Tetra

Black Neon Tetra 3cm

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Neon Tetra 3cm

Paraguay Tetra 3cm

Paraguay Tetra 3cm

Black Neon Tetra 3cm

Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi
97% of 100

The Black Neon Tetra is an extremely under-rated schooling fish for aquariums as they are often overlooked because of the monotone coloration but their simplicity and unique body shape along with their phenomenal schooling behavior is something that is only truly appreciated when kept. Black neon tetras have a classic torpedo body shape and get to around 4.5cm, along with their torpedo length the black neon tetras also get relatively round and chunky.

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Black Neon Tetra

TheBlack Neon Tetra is an extremely under-rated schooling fish for aquariums as they are often overlooked because of the monotone coloration but their simplicity and unique body shape along with their phenomenal schooling behavior is something that is only truly appreciated when kept. Black neon tetras have a classic torpedo body shape and get to around 4.5cm, along with their torpedo length the black neon tetras also get relatively round and chunky.

Black neon tetras are a perfect fish to add to classic south American biotopes as they fit the natural aesthetic better than any fish. Their simple yet natural colours work incredibly well with the grey gradient base coat and a jet black horizontal stripe, along with this they have a shimmering white bar that almost looks like an led strip. To break up the monotone colours they have a metallic orange rim around the eyes.

Black neon tetras school really well and are tropical fish that should generally be kept in temperatures of 24 or above. Because of their community aquarium tolerance, they are also evidently extremely peaceful fish but feel best when kept in schools of 6 as a minimum but ideally, 10 or more would be perfect. Breeding these fish in captivity is possible however it is fairly uncommon due to the fact that these fish are not overly popular amongst the general aquarist base. However, in a breeding setting females will scatter eggs through the aquarium and males follow by fertilizing. The wild origin of black neon tetras is South America.


Tank Recommendations for your Black Neon Tetra

Being a small and relatively easy to care for fish the black neon tetra can be kept in smaller aquariums with the minimum being 20 gallons (75 liters). This aquarium size allows for a decent school of these tetras along with other community fish if required, Black neon tetras would also look equally amazing in large schools of 20 or more in a larger aquarium setting which really highlights their shoaling behavior. A sand or gravel substrate would be fine for these fish as well as a lot of plant growth which not only makes them contrast really well but also makes them more comfortable in the aquarium. Black neon tetras are soft water fish meaning they require a low PH. They can be kept in PH as low as 6 and will even look stunning in a blackwater aquarium setting.


Suitable Tank Buddies

The black neon tetra is an extremely peaceful fish that displays no aggression, they can be kept with a wide range of fish being top, bottom, and mid dweller fish. 


Usually Compatible

Discus, Angelfish, glowlight tetras, neon tetras, Apistogramma, rams, and a range of dwarf/nano peaceful fish.  


Sometimes Compatible

Black neon tetras can be a relatively slow fish so any fin nipping species of fish that may outcompete them for food such as guppies, tiger barbs or Roseline sharks


Rarely Compatible

Large and aggressive species such as rainbow sharks, Raphael catfish, larger mouthed community fish may pester or prey on the tetras.


Feeding your Black Neon Tetra

Black neon tetras are very easy to fish to feed. They will take a wide range of pellets, flakes, and frozen foods. Just like any fish though they should be fed a varied diet with a mix of different foods. The ideal diet would be a good quality micro slow sinking pellet or crushed flake, supplemented with frozen bloodworms or black worms or even live foods like baby brine shrimp or micro worms. 

More Information
Scientific Name Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi
Care Level Easy
Common Names Black Neon Tetra
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Characidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 4.5
Min. Tank Volume (l) 75 Litres
Origin South America
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C (75.2-79° F), pH 6.0-7.0
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