Black Moor

Black Moor 5cm

Assorted Discus

Assorted Discus 5cm

Assorted Fantail 5cm

Assorted Fantail 5cm

Black Moor 5cm

Carassius Auratus
99% of 100

An age-old classic and a must-have in any goldfish aquarium is the Blackmoor. Black moors are so unlike the typical orange or gold colour that is associated with goldfish and may even look like a different fish altogether but are easily recognized by the jet black colour and most importantly the large bubbly eyes they have.

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Black Moor

An age-old classic and a must-have in any goldfish aquarium is the Blackmoor. Black moors are so unlike the typical orange or gold colour that is associated with goldfish and may even look like a different fish altogether but are easily recognized by the jet black colour and most importantly the large bubbly eyes they have.

The black moor strain itself is one of the oldest fancy goldfish types dating back to the 1700s in China. Black moors can range in the intensity of their black and as they age other colours may be observed such as mild reds, coppers and yellows. most commonly they can develop very contrasting yellow scales on their belly and overall they are fantastic looking goldfish.

Their jet black colour also makes them an amazing addition to mixed fancy goldfish tanks because of the stark contrast they provide when compared to other goldfish and are also a super active and personality-filled species. Black Moors also have the classic four-tipped tail also called fantails which look amazing as the fish ages providing these butterfly-like flowing fins.

Ranchu and goldfish in general are great algae eaters and will make a fantastic addition to outdoor ponds as they will readily graze and eat any algae which can proficiently grow in sunny pond conditions. Unlike some other newer fancy goldfish which are more suitable for tropical conditions, the black moor can be successfully kept all year round in an outdoor pond as long as the pond depth is below any frontlines in colder regions. Blackmoor just like all fancy goldfish does get fairly sizeable reaching around 15 cm long when fully grown but also do get fairly round. Because of this they aren’t exactly beginner fish but are a great way to enter the world of keeping fancy goldfish. Blackmoor is not found naturally in the wild as they are selectively bred fish for the captive environment.


Tank Recommendations for Blackmoor goldfish.

The Black goldfish can get fairly big at 15 cm, they are also a hefty goldfish. Because of this, an individual black moor would need around 75 litres (20 gallons) however they are recommended to be kept together with other fancy goldfish. So when keeping multiple goldfish together a larger tank would be needed, an ideal tank size for not only black moor but all fancy goldfish would be 120 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm. The thing to note however with black moor goldfish is that their stubby body and shorter fins make them not the best swimmer so a slower flow is better. both in a pond or aquarium, a sand substrate is best as black moors will actively sift through the sand and smooth river stones can be added for further decoration. Sharp materials should be avoided in the aquarium-like pointy driftwood because of the clumsy nature that black moors have. sharp objects and often lead to black moor damaging themselves both internally and externally. 


Suitable Tank Buddies

Black moors are a great fish as they not aggressive in the slightest and can be kept with tank mates. Common tank mates they can be kept with are active and small Coldwater tolerant fish. Fin nipping species should be avoided as they may nip around the eyes of the black moor which is a very sensitive area. in many instances, this can lead to the eyes getting infected or completely being eaten as well. 


Usually Compatible

Other fancy goldfish species, Medaka ricefish, giant danios, zebra danio, White Cloud Mountain minnows


Sometimes Compatible

Species can be fin nippers like rosy barbs and also tropical species such as angelfish, dwarf cichlids, mollies and species of a similar sort. These goldfish can be perfectly kept in tropical water these tropical fish listed may not have the same habitat requirements as the fantails or may outcompete goldfish. 


Rarely Compatible

Larger cichlids and fish which have a mouth large such as Oscars, jaguar cichlids and shrimp should also be avoided as Ranchus will eat shrimp in an instant.


Feeding your Black Moor 

Feeding Black Moors is a very easy task, they should immediately take to any aquarium food practically in 24 hours of being added to their new home. Having other Ranchu and fancy goldfish tank mates as well will really make them show a better feeding response. Slow sinking, goldfish tailored foods would be best as Black Moor have been known to at times get swim bladder issues after frantically gulping for food at the surface. Good quality pellets or flakes which are rich in algae or spirulina content is best to suit their herbivorous diet.

More Information
Scientific Name Carassius Auratus
Care Level Easy
Common Names Black Moor, Bubble eyed goldfish
Diet Herbivore
Fish Family Cyprinidae
Lifespan (years) 15
Max. Length (cm) 20
Min. Tank Volume (l) 75 Litres
Origin Asia
Reef Safe No
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 20 -25° C (41 - 77° F), pH 7.0 - 8.5
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