Betta Schalleri Mouthbrooder 5cm

Betta Schalleri Mouthbrooder 5cm

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Betta Schalleri Mouthbrooder 5cm

Betta schalleri

The Betta Schalleri, often overlooked in the vast world of Betta species, is a true gem for enthusiast seeking a unique and captivating addition to their aquarium. Coming from the soft, acidic waters of Southeast Asia, this species distinguishes itself with its subtle yet striking beauty and peaceful demeanour, making it an ideal choice for a species-specific setup or a carefully considered community aquarium. Betta schalleri are family easy to care for and a rewarding breeding choice for experienced aquarists.

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Betta Schalleri Mouthbrooder 


The Betta Schalleri, often overlooked in the vast world of Betta species, is a true gem for enthusiast seeking a unique and captivating addition to their aquarium. Coming from the soft, acidic waters of Southeast Asia, this species distinguishes itself with its subtle yet striking beauty and peaceful demeanour, making it an ideal choice for a species-specific setup or a carefully considered community aquarium. Betta schalleri are family easy to care for and a rewarding breeding choice for experienced aquarists.

The appearance of Betta schalleri is best compared to something like a croaking gourami. These fish are also often called Schalleri gourami. Their oval body has a very earthy coloration that can range from deep burgundies to iridescent greens and blues, depending on the lighting and the fish's mood. Unlike their more flamboyant Betta relatives, Betta schalleri sports a more subdued elegance, with males displaying brighter colours and more pronounced finnage than females. The males often showcase subtle aggression during displays, which involves flaring their gills and spreading their fins to intimidate rivals or attract females, without the intense aggression seen in some Betta species.

Breeding this species in captivity requires a dedicated setup that mimics their natural environment, with soft, acidic water and dense vegetation. The breeding process is really interesting in this species with the male being a mouth brooder. After the female lays the eggs, the male will take the eggs in his mouth and release fully formed, free swimming fry.


Tank Recommendations for your Betta Schalleri

Betta schalleri thrive in a tank that replicates their natural habitat, with a minimum volume of 40 litres to provide ample space for swimming and territories. The aquarium should feature soft, acidic water conditions with a pH of 5.0-6.5 and be densely planted with live plants like Java Fern and Anubias, which provide hiding spots. A dimly lit environment with a dark substrate will help to accentuate the colours of the Betta schalleri, making their terracotta colour pop.


Suitable Tank Buddies

While Betta Schalleri is a peaceful species, care should be taken when selecting tank mates to ensure they are not too boisterous or fin-nipping, which could stress or harm the Betta.


Usually Compatible

Small, peaceful fish that occupy different water levels, such as neon tetras, small rasboras, and pygmy Corydoras, can be good companions, as well as snails and shrimp that do not compete for food.


Rarely Compatible

Large, aggressive, or highly active fish that may see Betta schalleri as prey or stress them with their activity, including larger cichlids and active barbs.


Feeding your Betta Schalleri

Betta schalleri is not particularly demanding when it comes to diet, thriving on a variety of high-quality prepared foods. However, to maintain optimal health and coloration, their diet should be supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. A balanced diet will support their immune system and enhance their natural colours.

More Information
Scientific Name Betta schalleri
Care Level Moderate
Common Names Schaller's Betta, Green Betta, Schalleri Betta, Schalleri Gourami
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Osphronemidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 6
Min. Tank Volume (l) 40
Origin Asia
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24 - 26° C, pH 5.0 - 6.5
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