Betta Flame - Rubra Fighter 3.5cm

Betta Flame - Rubra Fighter 3.5cm

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Male Betta Crown Grizzle Fancy Fighter 5cm

Betta Flame - Rubra Fighter 3.5cm

Betta rubra
Betta rubra
Availability: Out of stock

Betta Rubra

The betta rubra is one of the first wild betta species that aquarists will find themselves getting when entering the world of wild bettas. These striking, communal betta species have incredible colours, and bold personalities and are a great breeding or wild biotope display project for dedicated aquarists. Originating from Sumatra and Indonesia, these are species which is starting to feel the pressures of habitat loss and water pollution meaning they are now a threatened species. By breeding and sharing these fish in the aquarium hobby, it offers a vital lifeline to ensure these bettas don’t go extinct forever.

The Betta Rubra is known for its bright, fiery coloration, typically exhibiting shades of blood red on its body and fins, although the intensity can really change depending on the environment and mood. These bettas have a relatively long, cylindrical body shape, with males reaching a length of about 6-8 cm. The males are particularly flamboyant, flaunting extended, flowing fins that are especially stunning during display or courtship behaviour. In comparison, females are smaller and less vivid but still possess a subtle charm of their own. One of the best benefits is how these betta’s can live communally with other betta rubra however it is better to keep them in a harem with one male to a few females. 

Betta Rubra is a bubble-nesters, meaning the male creates a bubble nest on the surface of the water where he entices the female to lay her eggs. Once the eggs are laid, the male guards them fiercely, tending to the nest until the fry hatch. After the fry hatch, the male tends to dwindle down his parental care, and the fry need to be carefully fed and nurtured from that point onwards.



Tank Recommendations for your Betta Rubra

Whilst a single betta rubra can be comfortably housed in a minimum volume of 40 litres however it is always great to experience these fish in at least a pair or group to really experience their lifecycle and behaviour. A pair can be kept in 70 litre aquarium comfortably and of course, sized up to house more fish. The tank should have plenty of hiding spots using live plants, caves, and driftwood. A dark substrate can help intensify their colours, while a lid is crucial as these fish are skilled jumpers. These are also tropical fish that prefer 24-26° C with a pH of 6.0-7.0


Suitable Tank Buddies

The Betta Rubra is generally peaceful but can be territorial during breeding. They can be housed with a variety of non-aggressive, similarly sized tankmates.


Usually Compatible

Small rasboras, tetras, corydoras catfish, and other peaceful species thrive in similar water conditions.


Sometimes Compatible

Other wild betta species, rainbow sharks, giant danios, and other larger, boisterous fish. 


Rarely Compatible

Large, aggressive species or any fish that has a tendency to fin-nip, as this can harm the Betta Rubra's beautiful fins.


Feeding your Betta Rubra

Betta Rubra are carnivores and prefer a diet rich in protein. They will take a wide range of pellets, flakes, and frozen foods. Just like any fish though they should be fed a varied diet with a mix of different foods. The ideal diet would be a good quality, small pellet or crushed flake, supplemented with frozen bloodworms or black worms or even live foods like baby brine shrimp or micro worms. 

More Information
Scientific Name Betta rubra
Care Level Moderate
Common Names Betta Rubra, Toba Betta
Diet Carnivore
Fish Family Osphronemidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 8
Min. Tank Volume (l) 40
Origin Sumatra, Indonesia
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C, pH 6.0-7.0
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