Horned Bannerfish

Horned Bannerfish - Medium

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Horned Bannerfish - Medium

Heniochus varius

The Horned Bannerfish is also known as the Brown Bannerfish or the Humphead Bannerfish is a very distinctive-looking fish that will bring a lot of activity to your tank. Groups of these fish can be kept together without any dramas in a large enough aquarium.
The Horned Bannerfish is a striking angular fish, with its laterally compressed body and very tall dorsal fin. The bottom half of the fish is black, fading through to chocolate to yellow then white towards the top of the fish. It has two white bands, one running behind its chocolate to blackhead down to its breast. The other one runs diagonally from the top of the dorsal fin down to the base of its tail.

Availability: Out of stock

Horned Bannerfish


The Horned Bannerfish is a striking angular fish, with its laterally compressed body and very tall dorsal fin. The bottom half of the fish is black, fading through to chocolate to yellow then white towards the top of the fish. It has two white bands, one running behind its chocolate to blackhead down to its breast. The other one runs diagonally from the top of the dorsal fin down to the base of its tail.

The adults also have a hump on their foreheads and a curved horn above each eye, its pectoral, caudal, and tail fins are all transparent.

The Brown Bannerfish is sometimes confused with the similar-looking Phantom Bannerfish. The main difference between them is that the Brown Bannerfish does not have the reversed "v" pattern on its sides.

The Brown Bannerfish is a small-sized fish that can reach a maximum length of 19 cm.

This fish is usually found in coral in shallow lagoons and external reef slopes in the Indo Pacific region.

Tank Recommendations for Horned Bannerfish

Aquariums for keeping Brown Bannerfish should be at least 473 liters (125 gallons) and decorated with rock or preferably live rock. The tank should be mature with algae growth for it to graze on, with overhangs or caves for shelter.

This isn’t really a reef-safe fish as they are prone to nip at corals and invertebrates.

Suitable Tank Buddies

The Brown Bannerfish is a solitary fish but it can live in pairs or even in small groups in larger aquariums, but they need to be added to the aquarium at the same time.

These fish may nip at coral and invertebrates and so is not recommended for a reef tank. Small peaceful tank mates usually work out best with these Bannerfish.

Usually Compatible

Docile fish like Dragonettes, Gobies, and Pufferfish will cohabit well with these fish, along with other peaceful fish. You can also keep them with other Brown Bannerfish.

Sometime Compatible

Fish like Lionfish and other larger non-aggressive fish like Boxfish and peaceful Wrasses. Tangs also are usually fine to keep with these Bannerfish and most Butterflyfish.

Rarely Compatible

These fish aren’t compatible with Sharks, Rays, or Groupers as they are likely to eat the Bannerfish. Seahorses and Pipefish won’t appreciate being kept with them as they are much quicker swimmers than them. Small shrimps and other invertebrates may find themselves on the Bannerfish’s menu.

Feeding Your Horned Bannerfish

These Bannerfish are carnivorous, in the wild, they eat coral polyps, tentacles of feather dusters, and Christmas-tree worms. They have very fine hair-like teeth that enable them to pick out small organisms inaccessible to most other fish for eating.

In the aquarium, you should offer a variety of small frozen foods such as Mysis shrimp, enriched brine shrimp, and chopped clams.

These fish should be kept 3 times a day due to their active nature and high metabolism, which should help in reducing their snacking on corals.

More Information
Scientific Name Heniochus varius
Care Level Moderate
Common Names The Brown Butterflyfish, Heniochus Brown Butterflyfish, Horned Bannerfish, Bannerfish and Hunchbacked Coralfish, Humphead Banner fish, Coral fish, Horned Bannerfish, and Brown & White Heniochus
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Chaetodontidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 18
Min. Tank Volume (l) 473
Origin Pacific Ocean: Indonesia to the Society Islands, north to southern Japan, south to Rowley Shoals and New Caledonia; throughout Micronesia.
Reef Safe With Caution
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 22.2-25.6° C (72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
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