Avatar Emerald Turkish Angelfish

Avatar Emerald Turkish Angelfish 3.5cm

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Avatar Emerald Turkish Angelfish 3.5cm

P. scalare (Taiwan)
Angelfish have long been one of the most iconic centerpiece fish in the aquarium hobby, and the Avatar Emerald Turkish Angelfish takes this to a whole new level. This rare and breathtaking strain is a stunning fusion of deep emerald greens, shimmering blues, and dark, bold patterning, creating an almost otherworldly appearance. Angelfish enthusiasts and collectors alike seek out this variety for its unique colouration and regal presence in a freshwater aquarium.
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Avatar Emerald Turkish Angelfish


Angelfish have long been one of the most iconic centerpiece fish in the aquarium hobby, and the Avatar Emerald Turkish Angelfish takes this to a whole new level. This rare and breathtaking strain is a stunning fusion of deep emerald greens, shimmering blues, and dark, bold patterning, creating an almost otherworldly appearance. Angelfish enthusiasts and collectors alike seek out this variety for its unique colouration and regal presence in a freshwater aquarium.

The Avatar Emerald Turkish Angelfish is unlike any other angelfish strain, displaying iridescent green and blue hues that change depending on lighting and angle. The dark base colouration makes the vibrant metallic tones stand out even more, giving them a mystical, avatar-like glow. As they mature, their colours become even more intense, especially in well-maintained aquariums with optimal water conditions. Their graceful fins and tall body structure make them an impressive sight, particularly in a planted aquarium where their shimmering scales can contrast beautifully against lush greenery.

Trying to find the males and females in not only the Avatar Emerald Turkish angel but angelfish, in general, is somewhat difficult when they are small, however dominant males will develop a small nuchal hump on their head. One can be 100% certain only when a breeding pair is formed. The best way to ensure this happens is to start with a small group of 5-6 fish and let them pair off naturally. Avatar Emerald Turkish angelfish are not found in the wild as they are a captive-bred and man-made colour variation however the angelfish in general is from South America.


Tank Recommendations for your Avatar Emerald Turkish Angelfish

As the Avatar Emerald Turkish angel is a colour variation of the common scalare angelfish species meaning it has the same aquarium needs of any other angelfish variety. At full adult size they reach around 15 cm long and a decent 20 cm tall, because of this they would need to be kept in a tank that is at least 100 litres.


Avatar Emerald Turkish angelfish are not exactly a solitary species and should be kept in mated pairs or shoals. However they will need space as they can be territorial at times, so having a good footprint in the aquarium is always best. A sand or gravel substrate is perfectly fine, but a well-planted aquarium with lots of branching driftwood and rock will be greatly appreciated by these angelfish.


Suitable Tank Buddies

The Avatar Emerald Turkish angelfish is fairly peaceful with aggression only ever coming out during breeding males however they may eat very small fish fry and shrimp. With adequate space these fish will get along with a wide range of community fish. it has however been noted that angelfish can possibly be aggressive against fish species which look similar.


Usually Compatible

Other angelfish, tetras, gouramis, corydoras, angelfish, barbs dwarf cichlids such as rams, and large peaceful cichlids such as uaru or Severums.


Sometime Compatible

Semi-aggressive or territorial cichlids like fire mouths, convicts cichlids, and similar species.


Rarely Compatible

large aggressive species such as African cichlids, Oscar,s and Jaguar cichlids.


Feeding your Avatar Emerald Turkish Angelfish
Angelfish in general are a very easy species to feed that will take to a wide range of aquarium foods like pellets or flakes. They are naturally an omnivore that feed off plant matter like algae, small insects and crustaceans. This means a well balanced aquarium food which has good protein and green content would be best.

More Information
Scientific Name P. scalare (Taiwan)
Care Level Easy
Common Names Avatar Emerald Turkish angelfish
Diet Omnivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 15
Max. Length (cm) 15
Min. Tank Volume (l) 100
Origin South America
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-26° C, pH 5.0-7.0
Plant Safe Yes
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