Assorted Lyretail Swordtail

Assorted Lyretail Swordtail 5cm

Assorted Hi-fin Swordtail

Assorted Hi Fin Swordtail 5cm

Assorted Male Swordtail 5cm

Assorted Male Swordtail 5cm

Assorted Lyretail Swordtail 5cm

Xiphophorus Helleri
100% of 100


Assorted Lyretail Swordtail - Xiphophorus Helleri

Availability: In stock
  • Buy 5 for $9.11 each and save 30%
The swordtail is a popular fish amongst hobbyists, and for good reason. It is a good looking and easy to care for species.

It is an easily cared for fish that does well in all types of community aquaria. Give them a fairly large tank with live plants and open swimming areas, avoid too much driftwood as a rule the livebearers do not like acidic water. Although not a schooling fish they benefit by being kept with a large number of their own kind. Among the males there is a distinct hierarchy. A very peaceful and hardy species.
More Information
Scientific Name Xiphophorus Helleri
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