Assorted Angelfish 4.5cm
The Angelfish is one of the most recognizable aquarium fish species and is a great tropical fish species to keep. After extensive captive breeding, a plethora of colour variations has been created from the wild angelfish colours. Some of these angelfish types now include pearl scales, veiltail, marbled, platinum and go along with this, there are many different colours as well. It can be difficult at times to choose an angelfish type alone for an aquarium however the assorted angelfish option allows the aquarist to fill their aquarium with all these different colours.
- Buy 4 for $16.72 each and save 10%
- Buy 6 for $15.79 each and save 15%
- Buy 8 for $14.86 each and save 20%
Assorted Angel
The angelfish is one of the most recognizable aquarium fish species and is a great tropical fish species to keep. After extensive captive breeding, a plethora of colour variations has been created from the wild angelfish colours. Some of these angelfish types now include pearl scales, veiltail, marbled, platinum and go along with this, there are many different colours as well. It can be difficult at times to choose an angelfish type alone for an aquarium however the assorted angelfish option allows the aquarist to fill their aquarium with all these different colours.
Angelfish surprisingly are a cichlid and make for fantastic centrepiece fish in the home aquarium due to their diamond-like body shape and large growing size. They are also they are a great addition to planted tanks as their varying colours will contrast amazingly against the green plants and also make for a great peaceful fish for aquariums.
Trying to find the males and females is not only the blushing angel but angelfish, in general, is somewhat difficult when they are small however dominant males will develop a small hump on their head. 100% certainly is only achieved when a breeding pair is formed. The various colour patterns we see in the aquarium trade are not found in the wild as they are captive bred and created colour variations however the angelfish, in general, is from South America.
Tank Recommendations for your Assorted Angelfish
Angelfish in general grow to a fairly large size reaching around 15 cm long and a decent 20 cm tall. Because of this, they would need to be kept in a tank that is at least 100 litres. Angelfish also are not exactly a solitary species and should be kept in pairs or shoals. However, they will need space as they can be territorial at times so having a good footprint in the aquarium is always best. A sand or gravel substrate is perfectly fine but a well-planted aquarium with lots of branching driftwood and rock will be greatly appreciated by these angelfish. This species is most active when lights are turned on during the day
Suitable Tank Buddies
The Angelfish is fairly peaceful with aggression only ever coming out during breeding males however they may eat very small fish fry and shrimp. With adequate space, these fish will get along with a wide range of community fish.
it has however been noted that angelfish can possibly be aggressive against fish species that look similar.
Usually Compatible
Tetras, gouramis, corydoras, angelfish, barbs dwarf cichlids such as rams and large peaceful cichlids such as uaru or Severums.
Sometime Compatible
Semi aggressive or territorial cichlids like fire mouths, convicts cichlids and similar species.
Rarely Compatible
large aggressive species such as African cichlids, Oscars and Jaguar cichlids.
Feeding your Angelfish
Angelfish in general are a very easy species to feed that will take to a wide range of aquarium foods like pellets or flakes. They are naturally omnivore that feeds off plant matter like algae and small insects and crustaceans so a well-balanced aquarium food that has good protein and green content would be best. Feeding should occur once a day and it is best to do so when the lights are on.
Scientific Name | Pterophyllum Scalare |
Care Level | Easy |
Common Names | Angelfish |
Diet | Omnivore |
Fish Family | Cichlidae |
Lifespan (years) | 10 |
Max. Length (cm) | 15 |
Min. Tank Volume (l) | 75 Litres |
Origin | South America |
Reef Safe | Yes |
Sociability | Peaceful |
Venomous | No |
Water Conditions | 24-26° C (75-79° F), pH 5.0-7.0 |
0Hi, if I bought “assorted angel fish”, what are the chances of getting different colours if I buy more than 1?Read Detail
Submited by: Sue
11 Aug 2024
Our assorted angelfish should contain an assortment of 3-4 different coloured fish. However, sometimes the fish from the breeder do not contain 3-4 different colours. If you want to be sure, before you place you order, you can send us an email ( and we can check the colour variation in the tank at that time for you.Answered by Admin on 24 Nov 2024
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