Apistogramma Gephyra

Apistogramma Gephyra 4cm

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Apistogramma Gephyra 4cm

Apistogramma gephyra

The Apistogramma Gephyra is a relatively rare species of Apistogramma that has only recently been introduced into the Australian Aquarium hobby and will make for an awesome species for apisto collectors to acquire or for anyone chasing a smaller centrepiece fish. This species is one of the smaller Apistogramma and will be a great addition to a desktop aquarium. These fish also have milder colours and are much more reserved when compared to the more common apisto species. 

Availability: Out of stock

Apistogramma Gephyra


The Apistogramma Gephyra is a relatively rare species of Apistogramma that has only recently been introduced into the Australian Aquarium hobby and will make for an awesome species for apisto collectors to acquire or for anyone chasing a smaller centrepiece fish. This species is one of the smaller Apistogramma and will be a great addition to a desktop aquarium. These fish also have milder colours and are much more reserved when compared to the more common apisto species. 

The Apistogramma Gephyra has an eye-catching appearance simply due to the contrast that they sport. Mature males especially have the most striking colours with a sulphur yellow face that transitions into a dark blue, this is contrasted with a jet black lateral line that starts from the eye end and ends in the tail. One of the most striking things about these fish is the speckling and striping of neon blue they have especially around the face area. This can also lead down into the body as well however it generally does not go past the cheek plate. Female fish do look similar however the colours are more muted and they tend to lack any dark blue in the body which is replaced by a more earthy light brown. The average size of the Apistogramma Gephyra is only around 6 cm in length.

Breeding Apistogramma Gephyra can be a rewarding experience, as they exhibit fascinating breeding behaviour. The female lays her eggs in a cave or crevice, and the male fertilizes them. The female then guards the eggs and fry, while the male defends the territory. This makes them a fantastic breeding project, especially for novice breeders. 


Tank Recommendations for your Apistogramma Gephyra

A minimum tank size of 70 litres is recommended for these dwarf cichlids. Provide a soft, sandy substrate and plenty of hiding spots, including caves, rocks, and driftwood. Live plants, such as Java fern or Anubias, can be added for additional coverage. The water temperature should be maintained between 23-29°C, with a pH level of 5.0-7.0.

Suitable Tank Buddies

The Apistogramma Gephyra is generally peaceful and can be housed with a variety of small, non-aggressive tankmates.

Usually Compatible

Small tetras, rasboras, corydoras, otocinclus, and other community fish.


Sometimes Compatible

Mildly aggressive fish like larger barbs or some dwarf cichlids might cause long-term stress for the Apistogramma Gephyra.

Rarely Compatible

Large, aggressive fish species, like convicts or predatory fish such as Oscars, which may harass or even eat the smaller Apistogramma Gephyra.

Feeding your Apistogramma Gephyra 

The Apistogramma Gephyra is an omnivorous species and will accept a wide range of foods. Provide a varied diet of high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods like brine shrimp, black worms, and bloodworms. 

More Information
Scientific Name Apistogramma gephyra
Care Level Easy
Common Names Apistogramma Gephyra
Diet Herbivore
Fish Family Cichlidae
Lifespan (years) 5
Max. Length (cm) 8
Min. Tank Volume (l) 70
Origin South America
Reef Safe Yes
Sociability Peaceful
Venomous No
Water Conditions 24-29° C, pH 5.0-7.0
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